April 2006
This is a list of posts published in April 2006.
Happy Birthday Abby
Ed has posted an entry about Abby’s birthday on The Ed Zone. He has a great shot of Abby at the top. In honor of the occassion, I added some others to my flickr photostream. You can see three of them in my header, but there are more on flickr. None of them touch his picture though.
The Lost Experience
Apparently ABC is going to launch a game called The Lost Experience on May 3 in the U.S., but also in the UK and Oz. It will be Internet based and feature a parallel story not shown on TV. Interesting how more TV is putting side stuff on the web. The Office is another example.
Quick Charge This
Stupid Microsoft. I’m glad I bought the craptacular Play & Charge kit now that they have released a Quick Charge Kit. Just another way to screw us out of another $30. This is what they should have had at launch and not the other thing, which I finally found out last night only works for my 360 when you plug it in the rear USB port. I guess it likes third input…
Satellite Killed the Radio Star
As many of you know, I’m not a Howard Stern fan and it would seem that most of you no longer are either. At least, not big enough fans to drop cash on Sirius hardware and a subscription. Since he has a crap load of money, maybe he should start giving that stuff away to get his audience back. Better hurry before Opie and Anthony (worse than Stern?) find them.
Wild Thing
I haven’t watched many Sox games on TV yet this year, so this is kind of a surprise to me, but it seems Papelbon has *won* a bet with Youk. I wonder what Youk had to do as the loser…
UPDATE: More about that bet here.
Attackbot Geekery
Front page of boston.com as I just pulled it up… a picture of a familiar looking ramp and an article about robots. Did something similar my frosh year at BU for an engineering class, cept we didn’t call them robots. No one built one that was programmable or remote controlled since it was 16 years ago. Mine had a mercury switch to cut the power when it got to the top of the ramp and a fat rat trap on the front to smash the other vehicle if it made it to the top, but I don’t think mine made it to the top when the time came. My friend made his look like the car at the end of Animal House. We didn’t look as geeky as those two kids in the picture. Well… I didn’t. Good Times.
Pearl Jam = Crap
Just kidding, but I did sort of drop that idea in Kurt. You see, it had been a while since I really listened to any PJ discs and as far as my poor memory could recall, they had released a lot of crap since their first three discs.
Jason called me out on my statement in his comments about the Kurt post. I had actually already started thinking about what I wrote, almost as in I couldn’t believe I wrote it, but it’s there. So, that weekend I started ripping all my PJ discs so that I could give them a spin and reeducate my ignorant self.
Over the course of two days, I listened to the catalog I own (no live discs though) and I did so in order of release. I’ll just run thru some thoughts on each and tidy up at the very end.
Without a doubt their very best. I remember w... Continue reading »
DC MMO Announced
Although, I thought it was MMORPG, but since I have never played one, I guess I have no idea. I may play this one though since Jim Lee is attached to it. Marvel already has one in the works for the Xbox 360, so I am more inclined to play that over a DC game. Both would be cool if you could play with the few PC gamers left too.
Simplified OB1og
Well, I took the feedback you provided to heart and made some adjustments to the blog design. I really like the way this came out, so I hope you do as well.
I more or less eliminated the extra colors and went with the blue and the green. I am going to find it hard to resist changing the green to orange at some point, but I like how the green evokes a Spring feeling, so it will stay for the season. I also changed up the layout by moving that middle column, which was blue, to the right side so that the main content is now in the middle. If you want to see more details, you can check out the Changelog.
Now that this has me feeling okay about the overall look-and-feel, I’ll be going to work adding the other features I have in mind. I’ll also be spending less time coding and more time writing content. Maybe my goal with the previous look was to distract you so much, that you wouldn’t notice how bad the content was. I mean, how many posts can you have about routers?!
So,... Continue reading »
Fri :: 28 :: Apr :: 2006 :: 08.53 pm
Asides, Commentary
now closed
Please Wash Hands
I read this interesting article on Boston putting the kibosh on unisex washrooms. I fail to see the issue here. Are they concerned women may see how many men fail to wash after doing their business? I’d think it would help get those numbers up…