May 2006

This is a list of posts published in May 2006.

Network Upfronts

Well, this past week the major networks did all their Upfront new release press conference thingies. If you have no idea what I am talking about it, the simplest way to describe it is they announced shows that will return and the new ones they are going to try out, but likely kill before giving them a chance to find their audience.

I’ll never understand the TV biz because between the three Sweeps periods and the Upfronts, they make their money on selling ad time. Since they have already sold the ad time and have cash in hand, then why do they up and cancel shows before giving them a chance? Or, why do they kill shows by moving them to bad time slots? Why can’t they get ratings from everyone and not just from the mystery Nielsen families?

I always wondered who these so-called Nielsen families were. Come to find out, it’s a little bit like a contest or lottery to become one. I have a friend at work who is now a Nielsen family, so now I know more about it. I don’t care to describe any of this and if I weren’t so lazy or really cared enough,... Continue reading »

Happy Birthday Chatham

I’m a little late with her birthday tribute since it was on the 12th. Ed told me it was the 13th. Anyway, this will no doubt add fuel to the fire that I don’t like Chats, which is far from the truth. Chats is definitely the Ying to Abby’s Yang or however that works. She’s a great pup and I lover her too. I posted a few pictures to my flickr photostream to continue this emerging tradition. She’s tougher to photograph than Abby just because her black coat absorbs all the light. I have some good ones, but once again, the lead photo in Ed’s post trumps any of mine.

Barry Mushroom Head

Ruth did it on hotdogs and beer

I have mixed feelings on this post, but I figured why not run it. It’s something I’ve been thinking about and Juice sent me that picture the other day. I also saw a funny one of people holding up a single asterisk each, probably from the same game. Maybe the final straw was reading this piece by Tom Verducci today. What angered me most about it was how he treated the soldier that has the last ball he hit out. Anyway, here’s what I was thinking…

There’s a chance that Barry Bonds will tie Babe “The White Guy” Ruth tonight with his 714th home run. A lot of baseball fans are up in arms that this is going to happen. Honestly, before the season started I was too. I hoped that his knees would have prevented him from playing this... Continue reading »

Halo 3 Trailer

Well, I finally was able to watch the trailer just now. My Media Player was barfing on it last night. There’s a MS joke there, but that’s not the point. The point is, I just had chills as I watched the trailer. The same thing happened when I watched the Halo 2 trailer from E3. I predict another week’s vacation to play this one too…

PJ Part Deux

Well, not really… in fact, maybe it is Part Tres? Whatever… I said I’d update you on Pearl Jam and here it is: nothing has changed for me. In fact, I realized my first listen to most discs is spot-on for me, so extended listening doesn’t really help its case. I have listened to it about five more times and “Severed Hand,” “Army Reserve” and “Inside Job” are the standouts for me. “Comatose,” “Unemployable,” “Gone” and “Come Back” are good. The rest is either okay or not. That’s more than half the disc mentioned and my rank does change. It’s their fifth best and closer to Yield than Binaural. I moved it up a spot because my second listens of “Severed Hand” and “Army Reserve” warranted it. I might be contradicting my open, but screw it.

Tampa Blu-rays

Sometimes I get carried away with leaving a comment somewhere and it turns into a short blog post. Since I now have my own bloggy blog, I can blog it and let a pingback handle the comment for me. This way I can also add a clever title. Actually, I just think I am clever. Maybe you don’t know that Tampa is always a bottom feeder because they don’t draft pitching. Sony is going to become a bottom feeder because they are bundling. Perhaps I should get to the point…

Ed posted a quick Aside about the PS3 and I started going off with a comment. In fact, this is the second time today because I already did so in an e-mail exchange with him earlier today. Anyway, I understand companies need to make their money and they need a marquee product to spotlight their company. I don’t know that it has ever been more evident what this can do for a company than with the case of the iPod saving Apple’s bacon. Sure, the iMac saved it from the brink of destruction over... Continue reading »

Happy Birthday Colin

Today is Colin’s third birthday. Colin is Ed’s son and he has posted a nice entry on his blog to mark the occasion. I have posted some of my favorite pictures I have taken of Colin over the past three years to my flickr photostream. I figured I couldn’t commemmorate Abby’s birthday without also doing the same for Colin! Next up is Aria I suppose, unless Chatham is in the middle. Busy month for birthday’s in the Humphries household…

Gouge Me 1 More Time

Joe just alerted me to this item on As he says, “Looks like Lucas needs another influx of cash.” Great, now I have to buy the original Star Wars triology for the fourth time to get the versions I really want. I don’t know about the need for cash, but to say he didn’t change his mind is bull.


I got my first spam comment today, but the Akismet plug-in ate it for me. Yeah me! It was for some wood inducing blue pill… If I remember correctly, the first one Ed got was for on-line gambling. So, I need help with wood and he needs to gamble. I’d rather have his problem…

Zero to Pearl Jam in 50

Pearl Jam album coverOkay, so I am going to do a little experiment here and just write whatever comes to mind as I take my first spin thru Pearl Jam. I just picked it up at 7.10 pm and the first song is going to play and it is almost 8.25 pm. Seems like a simple way to make this an addendum to my Pearl Jam = Crap post. Let’s see if the monkey can type and listen to the music at the same time. This might be the fastest review brain dump of an album ever…

Life Wasted Good guitar intro. Hmm…Eddie is singing in that Eddie way again… no f-in idea what he’s saying. Maybe I better bust out this freaky lyric book included in the disc packaging. Pictures look like (insert favorite zombie flick here) meets Photoshop. Once, Go, Last Exit and Brain of J. are all great intros to a disc. This one, not so much…

World Wi... Continue reading »