Rotten Apple
I have been meaning to post on this for a while, I just keep forgetting. Not unusual for me.
Anyway, most folks have seen the latest ads on the telly by Apple. I guess these are version 2.0 of their famous “Switch” ads from a couple years ago. If you haven’t seen them and you are absolutely dying to know what I am talking about, then by all means go and visit the Apple web site and watch them all. I’ll patiently wait here. I got nothing better to do.
Okay, if you are reading this far, you have seen one or left and actually came back! (Thanks)
So, what did you think? How do these ads speak to you? I mean, other than the fact they want you to switch and use a Mac instead of a PC… cuz they said that, right? Did the slacker kid from NBC’s underrated series Ed — wait, wait… you are probably more familiar with his role in Dodgeball — convince you to buy a Mac? You don’t want to be that dork with the specs, right? Just cuz you rock an iPod, like the majority of MP3 player owners, doesn’t mean you are cool unless you have a Mac too, right?
I’ll tell you what I get from these ads and see if you agree. Apple is telling me that the Everyman uses a PC and that only the cool kids, college or otherwise, use a Mac. You know what? They are right. How exactly are you getting the Everyman to switch? Certainly not by playing up how easy it is to work with your music library or write a blog because these people don’t care. Browsing the Internet, writing e-mail and working with your video, music and pornphotos is as easy on the PC as the Mac. Granted, the Mac has some slightly newer applications to do this kind of thing with and yes, they are more secure at the moment, but that will soon change with the next version of Windows (named Vista) due at the turn of the year.
Whoa… I’m going to digress into a Mac and PC debate and that is so not my point. My point is simply that Apple is merely pandering to the audience they already hold. They are not likely to pull many PC users to the Mac fold with these ads. Almost every blogger famous blogger brags that they design and blog on a Mac. Okay, maybe the Scobble guy (no link love here… he doesn’t need it, but Google if you must) doesn’t because he’s probably the third most famous Microsoftie, but everyone else does. Oh, and if you are a web designer or art type, then you use a Mac and I still don’t understand why because Photoshop seems to work pretty well on my PC and all the web design and development tools work the same on both platforms. It’s probably just because the hardware is cool looking and I don’t dispute that.
Damn… starting down the debate path again. Focus OB!
So, what reminded me to rant on this was reading that Gisele is up for round two… or is that three? Whatever it is, is a Victoria’s Secret catalog cover girl and #1 (of 25) in E!’s Sexiest: Supermodels (I was up late the other night, so late and bored I even sat thru The Soup, so sue me) going to convince you to switch? Nah, not me, she’s got a horse-face thing going on and so not deserving of #1 (she edged out The Klum if you are curious), but more to the point, having her pitch a Mac will not convince the Everyman to switch. Get a freakin Everyman to convince you to switch, but I guess they already did that a couple years ago and it actually worked somewhat! What, what, what? Yeah, it worked.
Feh, enough of this. I’d never switch completely, but I may consider picking up one if they ever compete better on price. Yes, you get a great hardware design, but the fact is a Mac costs nearly twice as much as a similarly equipped PC and nice industrial design isn’t enough to justify that, but a smaller premium could be justified. So, maybe I will own one some day now that they have Boot Camp, but I certainly don’t need one now.
Longest rant ever. I should have just posted this cartoon. Sums up all this word garbage I typed, but with an obvious Windows/PC slant. Then this one goes along with the X-Men movie review… sorta.
Oh, you want video spoofs, well then try this, this and this courtesy of some bloke and YouTube.
Next up, I try to avoid a debate about curly braces…
…yeah, you have to be a code ninja to understand that one. That’s going to be the next rant I do write and none of my five regular readers will give a shite about reading that one either…
This post has 5 comments (now closed):
Fri :: 02 :: Jun :: 2006 :: 09.16 am
I agree those Mac ads are annoying, smug, and downright patronizing.
Here’s my problem with Macs. I hate the UI. I had to use Macs all through my program at Emerson, and I just couldn’t get used to not having a second mouse button. To select an item from a menu, you highlight the item and click, and then when you let go, it flashes for about a second before whatever you want to happen happens. As I would use programs such as Photoshop which would require many such clicks, all I could think about was the minutes of my life which were ticking away as I waited for that stupid flickering to finish up. The thought of working with that all day, every day was maddening.
I realize it could just be that I grew up with a Windows interface, just like I grew up speaking English and not Spanish. But I find the Mac UI to be slow, confusing, and counter-intuitive.
Sat :: 03 :: Jun :: 2006 :: 12.02 am
Hmm… I wonder what you are going to think about Vista then. It’s got a lot of new UI things going on too. One thing that is already annoying is you can’t readily tell which window is the active one because they all do the translucent glass thing. You’ll see what I mean if your PC graphics can even handle the glass.
As for right-click, it is arguably the best invention of the last ten years, actually longer since Win 95 is older than that. Why Apple hasn’t gotten on-board this yet, I don’t know. They have copied lots of other things and I think their new “Mighty Mouse” even has two buttons now. They copy lots of other MS stuff, lots of Vista innovations are already in OSX because they are faster to market, but refuse to let go of their “simple” one button mouse.
Sat :: 03 :: Jun :: 2006 :: 08.36 am
Hey, I just built this machine myself last December. It’s got an Nvidia GeForce 7800–I would hope it can handle some glass graphics.
And as for mice–well, I actually prefer trackballs, and my trackball has no fewer than four buttons (five counting the scroll wheel).
Sat :: 03 :: Jun :: 2006 :: 08.37 am
Big Mac…
Sean has written a post about the current Apple ad campaign over on OB1og. Go read it. It’s not very long. I’ll wait right here. Have you read it all? Good. The ads star, as Sean so aptly put it,……
Sat :: 03 :: Jun :: 2006 :: 12.20 pm
Yup, a 7800 will handle the full Vista Aero Glass treatment.