August 2006

This is a list of posts published in August 2006.

Gammons at Fenway

Leave it to a Sox/Spanks series to bring Peter Gammons back into the baseball fold. This tidbit of information comes courtesy of sports blogger Eric Wilbur who is looking correct in his previous statement that he’s thrown in the towel. It’s too bad that Gammons’ presence couldn’t bring his preseason A.L. Cy Young pick Josh Beckett better luck on the mound today. Personally, it has less to do with luck than his lack of a quality third pitch, but that’s just me.

Anyway, good to hear Peter is back at the park. UPDATE: Here’s a better AP article on

Fanboy Fodder 8.3

Hunter-Killer #6 coverI may have done something today that I haven’t done since my college days in Wichita. I went out to the comics store, picked up my books and read them as soon as I got home. This used to be standard practice while in school out there. After all, what else was there to do? In fact, some of us used to read our books in class as we’d go just before class.

Then again, back in the early nineties, the comics scene was pretty exciting. Nowadays, not so much. There was a nice surprise from Marc Silvestri in that Hunter-Killer #6 finally came out. He was one of those can’t-miss artists of that time that left to form Image Comics (and Top Cow). Maybe that was why I read them right away. It was either that or I had nothing else to do…

Hunter-Killer #6 This is one of those books where you think it was cancelled for some unknown reason. High profile artist Silvestri), good art, good writer (Mark Wai... Continue reading »

Challenge Met

In case anyone is wondering, I had one friend accept my Jimmy Fund Challenge. I won’t name the person unless they want me to, but I am very happy to have inspired at least one donation. Maybe next year, there will be two people!

In the spirit of the challenge’s intention, I just went ahead and doubled my normal donation to make it $200. For those that like to keep score, that’s a Home Run according to the Jimmy Fund site. But, no matter the size, it all goes to the same cause.

Also, if you were interested in donating, but just couldn’t at this time, you can donate at any time throughtout the year on their Jimmy Fund site. If you do, let me know and I’ll still match you.

UPDATE: They just announced during the latest drubbing of the Sox by the Yankees game that they have eclipsed last year’s total and Hazel Mae reported Rocket Roger Clemens do... Continue reading »

Planet X

Anyone remember the mystery Planet X from when we were kids?

Redefining our solar system makes me think back to that. I find it terribly weird that they are going to call an asteroid a *planet.* I guess the really big eggheads want to mix it up. You ask me, they should have gone the other way and declared Pluto to not be a planet. That would be a bigger deal.

I guess our celestial neighborhood just got a little larger.

Curse of the Grackle?

Grackle on second

I happened to click on an Eric Wilbur blog link on today. It would seem the resident sports blogger — is it me or is he a ringer for Andy Richter — has thrown in the towel on the Sox making the playoffs. Well, I’ll admit I was having such thoughts after we were swept by the Royals, I chose to delay my judgement until after the five game series with the Spankees this weekend.

Yes, Wily Mo Pena took his eye of the ball to sneak a peek at the runner and missed the catch. At first I thought if he made the catch, he had a chance to throw the man out, but the replay showed the angle, etc. and it would seem unlikely to get the speedy Carlos Guillen. It would have had to be a perfect throw and I don’t think that happens, so the run would have scored anyway and he... Continue reading »

Fanboy Fodder 8.2

Wolverine: Origins #5 (Joe Q cover)I am going with that title for now. “Fanboy” because I feel like one for writing even the shortest of short reviews about the comics on which I blow my pesos. “Fodder” because only other fanboys would find these thoughts even remotely interesting. The eight dot two is simply short for week 2 of the month of August. Due to the way I set up my bloggy blog, I have to use a unique name for each post within a given month, plus it just enhances the geek factor.

Maybe I can get in some good debates with someone and make this little corner of the blog worth it. If not, my fanboydom will forever be pasted on the Internet. Anyway, let’s get the geekery over with already…

Wolverine: Origins #5 Such a cool cover… with nothing inside to back it up. Well, that’s a little too harsh, but it was utterly stupid until the end, which convinced me to give t... Continue reading »

My Jimmy Fund Challenge

For the last few years, I have donated to the Jimmy Fund during their annual Radio-Telethon. The 2006 telethon is this Friday, August 18th. So, this year I thought I would try something different and challenge all my friends to do the same.

My challenge is if you donate this year, I’ll match your donation up to $50. So, if you donate $25, I’ll increase my donation by $25. You donate $50, I’ll donate $50 more. You donate $100, I’ll donate $50 more. In this way, I’ll act much like your company matching 401k where your donation becomes double… or something like that.

Remember that your donation is tax deductible and donating couldn’t be easier. Simply go to their special telethon website and click the link to make a gift. Based on the form, it would seem $25 is the minimum gift. If you want to make a smaller gift, you let me know and I’ll make up the difference and give you that cash.

If you are interested in meeting my... Continue reading »

I, Crisis

Infinite Crisis #1 (Jim Lee cover)I got myself into a bit of a fracas with Jason over at BBn earlier this week — okay, this past weekend — with respect to fanboys. I seem to have found myself bashing the Momma’s basement dwellars when it comes to defending this Summer’s Superman Returns. You can read more about that over on the BBn post, but it did get me thinking on continuity in comics.

Okay, so many of you just read that last sentence and started thinking you might stop reading this particular post. Well, I don’t blame you. If you don’t really have an interest in comic books, then this post probably isn’t for you. If you have an interest in bashing fanboys, then this pos... Continue reading »

Iron Man

See the larger version on

Iron Man could be Marvel’s next good superhero movie franchise. I’m very excited about Jon Favreau’s involvement. Interesting that this says it is in conjunction with Avi Arad’s new production company. I was just reading in this month’s Wizard that he signed a non-compete with Marvel, although he’s still working with them in an advisory capacity. They also had an article with Favreau on Iron Man. Check out Brian Michael Bendis’ column/interviews while you are there. He’s a fave.

Anyway, the poster alone looks better than that crap Ghost Rider trailer…

Black Floyd

Well, that takes care of that I guess. Floyd Landis’ “B” sample was found to have the same synthetic testosterone as his “A” sample. It’s a real shame that this has happened, especially since before this year’s Tour started a lot of the favorites were pulled due to a doping scandal.

I understand the doping we see in MLB and other professional sports where there is a lot of money on the line, but in professional cycling, are we really talking that much money? I don’t get it.

Now we’ll just wait to see if Floyd is stripped of his win, which he certainly should be.