Sam and Max
I was going thru some links that I haven’t visited in a while and one of them happened to be the Sam & Max web comic. It’s hosted by the Telltale Games folks who are busy on making a new web-based Sam & Max game.
Since I posted an Aside about the comic in April, there have been updates for July and August. There is more updated content available on the Telltale site and blog like Sam & Max spill out onto the Internet. Explore the site for more.
The coolest thing is probably the ability to make your own Sam & Max strip. I decided to have a little fun at someone’s expense. I had to resize slightly, so click on it to see full-size or make your own.
This post has 2 comments (now closed):
Fri :: 01 :: Sep :: 2006 :: 08.43 pm
Is it Cookie???
Oooh, did I get it? Do I get a Mookie?
Sun :: 03 :: Sep :: 2006 :: 04.19 pm
Ah…great computer game back in the day….nice to see his phone works!!!