Heroes: Hiro’s

D.L. does Shadowcat in the Heroes mini-comic

Well, after sitting on two flights of six and five — the jetstream kicks ass! — hours for my trip to and fro Cali, I sure do wish I had Nathan’s power of flight. That evil, corrupt bastard sure can move like a mothafu… you get the point.

His power is a lot more impressive than what we’ve seen before. He shot straight up and turned on a dime to leave a vapor shockwave and boom, which indicates breaking the speed of sound from a standstill. However, he can still hurt his feeties when he lands, so something is protecting him while moving at speed or the air friction would shred his skin away.

Yeah, I know, this is deeper than I need to go with this, but I do read comics.

You have to wonder what his range is though as he didn’t get very far considering the speed he appeared to move at. Anyway, if I were him and had the range, I’d have been home in no time and not had to worry about legroom!

As far as evil and corrupt go, Nathan’s not doing anything to convince us otherwise and he’s got that fake grin going, but so do most pols. He’s like, if you buy me off with two mill, that’s one thing, but tape me committing adultery, well then you better make it four mill and you’ll totally own my ass.

Makes you wonder about him not being a dick to Hiro, but being a dick to Mohinder. They both know he has abilities, but he chooses to find out about Hiro and give him a ride? Maybe he picked up on the fact that — as Ed has pointed out — Mohinder has kind of turned into a dink, but then, Nathan caused that, right?

Daddy Bennet tells Nathan he just wants some information, but when Nathan tries to make his escape, he aims to shoot him and pulls back. What up with that? Nathan tells Bennet he’ll find him and kill him, to which he reponds, “I’d like that Mr. Petrelli.” Can Daddy Bennet not be killed? Is it that whole, I’m immortal and would love to finally die gig? I’m sure that’s too far our for where they should go with that, but it’s possible he has the same indestructible abilities as Claire, but that would call into question her being adopted.

Did you notice that Nathan landed at the “Fly By Night” diner?

Interesting how the last two episodes start slightly different than the scene on which their previous episode ended. Claire waking on the table was slightly different in dialogue for each and this episode had slightly different dialogue by Hiro. It annoys me a little bit, but isn’t important for the story.

Hiro talks of “risking a rift just by coming here.” Future Hiro knows about time paradoxes and space-time rifts? I guess he’s a Star Trek guru and maybe he’s even seen Donnie Darko. He tells Peter that Peter has told him many times how lost he felt before everything started, so is the rift Hiro risks possible because he’s come back to help Peter along and oh gawd, paradox. I hate time travel.

When Hiro calls him, Peter must tell him “where we meet.” Would it be the “we” as in all the Heroes as a collective or where Peter and Hiro meet, which would be right there on the subway or where they will meet?

Saving Claire will prevent it/everything, so does that mean it will prevent the destruction of New York? Is Daddy Bennet going to destroy NYC because the quarterback raped Claire Bear?

“Be the One we need.” What does that mean? That the battle in the future is not going well and they need Peter to get an early jump on things in the past/present? I did notice the symbol was on Hiro’s sword and this was the only new appearance I picked up.

So, first we have Ando and Hiro using Hiro’s power for personal gain and gratification and now we have Matt using it on the wife. Wasn’t this woman a cold-hearted beeyotch the first time we met her? He goes missing for a day and all of a sudden she’s a loving, worried wife? Shedding more light on the relationship the first time would have helped here, but again, not really important.

Anyway, Matt does use his power for personal gain in repairing the relationship with the wife, who by the way, is doing her best Jennifer Garner impersonation, and really, wouldn’t any one of us do the same if we suddenly had a power? I mean, who wouldn’t use their power of invisibility to check out the girl’s locker room, and of course, I mean the boys only. Girls would use their telepathic abilities to get lots of free shoes.

Matt does use his power for some non-personal gratification — okay… I guess he did gratify the wife (I’m guessing multiple times too) — by convincing a would-be robber to take a hike. Then we see Matt pass out again, so it would appear he’s having issues with hearing too many thoughts at once and it overloads him. That would mean his previous episode in the bar was not caused by the Mysterious Man.

Daddy Bennet has the Mysterious Man erase the football player rapist’s mind after Claire tells him what went down, but leaving out the stick in the noggin part. I guess killing the dink would unnecessarily raise more suspicions. Claire finds it in her heart to give the kid a “do-over” on it, as everyone deserves one per life, but Daddy has already taken care of it. Not much else going on with Claire this episode.

Peter goes to visit Isaac as Hiro tells him to and starts to put together the paintings as panels of a comic book. The first panel shows locker doors flying at Peter, so you’d have to think they are being telekinetically thrown by Sylar. The second panel is of Hiro and Ando with a background of letters and blood that I couldn’t make out. Then a panel of Claire and then with the larger one of a shadowy figure closing in on Claire. The last panel, which Peter finishes by duplicating Isaac’s power, shows the shadowy figure, which looks to be in the same garb we saw Sylar in, standing over a dead girl in a giant pool of blood. It looks like her brain may have been scooped — hard to tell with it being at bottom of canvas and the blood — and that she has a large hole in her chest.

Finally, we get our first appearance of D.L., who is also featured in this week’s mini-comic. He’s got a phasing ability lifted straight from Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde of the X-Men. The preview for next week shows a little spousal abuse between D.L. and Niki, but the typical tables are turned and it is D.L. getting his ass kicked as we see Niki smack him and he goes flying across the room. I’m guessing this confirms the super strength theory. D.L.’s appearance also smashes the random thought I had about him being inside her last time out. I gave that very little shot, but shared anyway.

So, given that Niki is likely powered and so is D.L., that leads you to believe that Micah is also going to be, or already is, powered. Kid seems mighty smart for his age, so does he have some kind of super learning ability? I guess we’ll find out in due time…