I’m Going Back to Cali
…to Cali, to Cali. I think so!
My posting of my photos back in August from my last trip to California under that title has proven to be prophetic. I am indeed flying out to San Francisco today for a long weekend of personal time and two days of bidniz.
What does that mean to you? Not much except that I will be posting more photos of the same shiznit for you, just newer…
For now, enjoy some Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween.
This post has 6 comments (now closed):
Fri :: 20 :: Oct :: 2006 :: 10.04 am
I miss San Francisco. Say hi to the Bushman for me. And get some In-and-Out in Karen’s honor. It’s near Pier 39.
Sat :: 21 :: Oct :: 2006 :: 11.43 am
Sean is well aware of the In-N-Out joint near Pier 39! We walked the entire city (sort of by accident) on the last day of our trip to SF. We were sunburned, starving, and physically exhausted by the time we ended our adventure at In-N-Out! We saw the Japanese Tea Gardens, Haight-Ashbury, The Painted Ladies, Lombard Street, Pacific Heights, The Palace of Fine Arts, and so much more. Needless to say, it was worth the hike, not only for all the cool places we visited, but for the yummy burgers that awaited us!! My mouth waters just thinking about them! For those of you who haven’t had the opportunity to try In-N-Out, it’s well worth a visit if you are ever on the West Coast.
Thu :: 26 :: Oct :: 2006 :: 12.14 am
@JFCC: I walked by the Bushman’s spot on two different days. The first time must have been after quitting time because he wasn’t there, but his bush branch of the day was abandoned. The second time I didn’t notice if he was there or not.
I ate In-N-Out Burger four times in five days. I didn’t the fifth day simply because I didn’t see one in Monterey. I did hit the one by Fisherman’s Wharf one night and pretty much under the same circumstances as the time Noelle describes, but after less walking.
Fri :: 27 :: Oct :: 2006 :: 08.31 am
Wow! Four times! I only managed to make it once when I was in San Diego. I’m jealous!
Fri :: 27 :: Oct :: 2006 :: 02.30 pm
What cracks me up is that “In-N-Out” Burger always has the longest drive-thru and inside lines of any burger place.. but that’s cause it’s so good! 🙂
Fri :: 27 :: Oct :: 2006 :: 03.11 pm
@Jen: Ain’t that the truth! Always crazy lines and 5-10 minutes wait on your food, but because it is so good and so fresh, no one cares! It is sooo not fast food or “In-N-Out!”