October 2006
This is a list of posts published in October 2006.
Tellyman 10.2
It was a rough week for television viewing for me. While I was able to watch everything, it was only thanks to Media Center dutifully fulfilling its, err… duties. I had to work late pretty much every night this week, so I was playing catch up all week and now that I am caught up, I can bore you with my thoughts.
This week’s How I Met Your Mother was weak, until the end. The end made it worth it because you thought for the entire episode that Ted Moesby, Architect was dogging Robin after their first fight. Barney started off the episode by telling Ted that he should advertise the fact that he is an architect since chicks think it is hot. Ted tests it out by chatting up a girl at the bar and Barney is actually right. The episode then follows Ted, Marshall and this girl for the rest of the night with Robin and Lily hot on their trail.
Come to find out at the end that it was Barne... Continue reading »
Fanboy Fodder 9.4
This is about two weeks in coming, but I fell behind for a while and I am now catching up. This week was a heavy DC week, for me anyway (6 books), and it was the second week in a row I bought a ton of books.
Honestly, I’m a little bummed that it took me so long to read some of these books because it was a good week featuring the second installment of the new JLA series, Ultimate Spidey #100 and Ultimates 2 #12. On to the books!
Justice League of America #2 Since I didn’t lead the week issue one came out with its cover, I’ll give the honor to the second issue which features a Michael Turner cover. Kind of odd to have Turner handle the regular cover while the regular artist gets the variant version, but that’s the way today’s comics seem to work. Brad Meltzer celebrates being #1 (at the time) on the bestsellers list with his latest novel, The... Continue reading »
Heroes: One Giant Leap
Since it is getting closer to Halloween, I thought I might run a screencap of Claire lying on the autopsy slab, but I thought better of it. What a way to end an episode, but this mini-comic panel compliments my current coloring better.
This third episode was written by Jeph Loeb, who happens to be one of my favorite comics writers. Loeb is a current supervising producer on the show and has served as a producer in some capacity on Smallville and Lost in the past. All three shows are in my must-see list.
I watched the episode pretty late last night, so I may not have caught everything, but I wanted to post soon so I could hopefully get some commentsation going before deciding if I need to watch it again (okay, so by the time I finished writing this, I had watched it ... Continue reading »
Heroes: Don’t Look Back
So, as I said in my latest Tellyman post, I am going to try my hand at standalone posts of Heroes much like Ed does for 24 and Lost. Since there is a lot more thinking going on for all three of these shows, it makes sense to do something like this. My hope is you guys will want to engage in conversation about your thoughts about each show as well. If not, then this will just be my thoughts and we’ll see how right or wrong I am. Fair warning though, I don’t read message boards about shows, so if you do, please cop to it when you post your comments… or not. I’m not your English professor…
I blurbed about the pilot episode in Tellyman: Week Two and that’s about all that was really ... Continue reading »
Yankees Choke… Again
I think it is about time we finally retire the “Yankees Suck” chant in favor of a “Yankees Choke” chant. While losing their ALDS series to the Tigers in four isn’t nearly the cataclysmic choke that was their 2004 ALCS loss to the Sox, it is pretty pathetic for a $200 million plus payroll team chock full of All-Stars, especially since the Yankees owned them in the regular season (5-2).
Does anyone want A-Rod? This guy might as well just play it out for a perennial basement dweller like the Rays, Royals or Pirates. At least he could switch back to playing shortstop. The shame of this is that Torre will most likely lose his job and that is undeserved. I don’t think it is his fault a clubhouse of millionaire All-Star babies can’t get the job done. It is the fault of ownership for pushing that the team be made up that way.
Georgie Porgie still doesn’t get it; you can’t buy a frickin championship…
Tellyman 10.1
At the start of this, it wasn’t necessarily my intention to do this as an ongoing series under the heading of “Tellyman,” but it would seem to have stuck. I was going to change up titles on a post-by-post basis, but since Ed also came up with “Tele Mundo,” and I got nothing else, I’m going to stick with “Tellyman.” I’ll adjust to use my month-dot-week nomenclature like “Fanboy Fodder” since during repeats, I may not post. I do find it odd that we both thought up the same name though. Spooky…
Week three of the new television season is complete and three shows made their way into my schedule. Kidnapped made its exit due to cancellation, or at least the news that it would not continue past its original 13 episode order. I wasn... Continue reading »
Downey Jr. to Play Stark
It was announced last week that Robert Downey Jr. will play the role of billionaire and genius inventor Tony Stark in the upcoming Iron Man film. For those that don’t know, that will also mean he’d be wearing the Iron Man suit as well, but you have to assume that will rarely happen in this age of CGI.
I actually like this choice as Downey Jr. can actually channel his inner addict for the role. In the comics, Stark is an alcoholic and has trouble staying off the sauce. In fact, many times getting sauced up helps him get the job done.
So… just a short post to commemorate six months of blogging here at the OB1og.
I had bigger plans than all this, but I sorta forgot and the date crept up on me. Oh noes!
Fear not intrepid reader, I’ll still follow thru on that and honestly, it is not a big surprise or anything. In fact, I feel a little off on it now because Jason has stolen some thunder with a Fall slash Halloween blog makeover at BBn. So, over the next week, or sooner, you’ll start seeing changes round these here parts. I’m going to start with just changing up the color scheme since that is super easy to do. After that, I’ll tryout some layout changes which will likely come from an abandoned design I worked on prior to the 1.0 scheme.
It would be cool if you’d leave me comments on what you like or don’t like as I make changes.... Continue reading »
Tellyman: Week Two
So, continuing a new theme of talking about shows on the telly every week, this is week two. In case you don’t get it, my title this week and last is trying to play on the Batman: Year One and Year Two comic stories. I’m not Tellyman and I don’t know who is. Maybe he has utility belt, but not a slightly-too-young-sidekick.
Yeah, I know…
I don’t know how much longer I will really keep this up, but I at least planned on doing it for the first three weeks since debuts are spread out over that time. Anyway, here’s what I think of week two…
This past week saw the series debut of Heroes and season premiere of Smallville, so I guess an extra dose of comic book type viewing. The image above is from a web comic on the nbc.com site to promote Heroes. The book is penciled by Michael Turner and K... Continue reading »
Mon :: 09 :: Oct :: 2006 :: 10.28 pm
Asides, Commentary, Web, WTF
2 times
YouTube Googled Up
I almost laughed out loud when I saw the breaking news today. I’m sorry, but that is an insane amount of money to pay out for something like YouTube.
Sure, the kids like it today, but give it another year and something else will come around. Are they going to make enough money off advertising or in free marketing dollars of their other properties, which is really unnecessary since everyone uses Google, to justify this?
They should have bought up MySpace while they were at it…