Tellyman 10.3

Dwight and Ryan from The Office: Initiation

I am quite a few days late with this, but my excuse is I didn’t want to be a total dork and blog on my *vacation.* I guess I could have blogged this stuff on Monday or Tuesday, since technically, they were work days, but I figured I would rather get out into the city and do my best to get mugged or something. It didn’t happen.

I did meet a real nice girl in the Red Light District though. She was tall and had a deep voice and a hint of five o’clock shadow under her caked on foundation. Wait a minute, did I say RLD? I meant Ghirardelli Square. She was working the candy checkout counter. I suspect she was a he, but she/he/it sure did look purrdy from a distance. I’m not even kidding.

Well, on to the regular scheduled programming. I actually caught up on my flight out to Oakland by watching the previous night’s Earl, Office and Smallville on my iPod. It worked out pretty well, except I think I scared the guy sitting across the aisle from me with a few sudden outbursts of laughter during The Office.

I should start with How I Met Your Mother, but I forget what happened. Oh, wait a minute, Lilly and Barney became engaged in some strange relationship, which was funny, but I don’t remember much else. Marshall was *dating* another dude without knowing it. Wait… Barney had a wall of porn… that was funny… and disturbing.

Studio 60 featured more of the Hill Street Blues chick showing cleave and annoying everyone else in the cast with questions they didn’t want to answer. I guess that’s what reporters/writers do, but whatever. I’m sure I laughed a few times during the show, but I don’t remember much. I still like it though. Sorkin be damned!

Friday Night Lights featured more football shiznit and high school stupidity. Connie Britton looked purrdy. I’m pretty sure she’s not a dude. I think I’ll never find a way to write about this show, so I won’t try unless something really out of the ordinary happens that warrants me pointing it out to you, so don’t hold your breath.

Veronica Mars featured the return of Eli/Weevil and I really like his character. Ed “I’m so green and you should be too” Begley Jr. makes an appearance as the dean of V’s college to much comedy. I kid. Oh, someone else gets raped. I don’t see how this show will last. It hasn’t been good yet this year. Do the people behind it want it to be picked up for the rest of the season or not?

Jericho got its fifth episode in the can? I think that is right. There were fires across town because the power came back. Jake and Mr. Hawkins are feeling each other out. Both claim to each other to be “Pool Men,” or something. Hawkins had a portable satellite dish setup in his backyard so he could get on the Net. He was on websites with Cyrillic characters and using an AmEx Black card, upside down, for auth/password codes. He later hacks/accesses the US Department of State for flagged passports and finds Jake’s. The episode ends with the drink-happy town folk pouring out of the bar to see two ICBM’s rocketing off from nearby silos after a TV feed of an empty podium with the Presidential Seal on it goes dark. Do we presume we are retaliating on someone? This was enough to get me to watch next week, plus the preview that an EMP knocks out everything and they go, rightfully so, back to the Stone Age.

I’ll post my comments on Lost over at The Ed Zone if Ed has posted on it yet. As I type this waiting for my red-eye flight in Oaktown, I haven’t checked his blog since Monday afternoon, I think. I didn’t watch The Nine, but it did record. If I hear it actually gets good, I’ll watch what gets recorded, but for now, it is off my board.

Having watched My Name is Earl on the plane, I can’t remember much about it. I guess it must have been okay, because I did laugh once or twice for that one too, but it was quieter. There wasn’t much Joy, but we did get some Ribisi, and I dig his Ralph character. I’m watching, but not loving.

As you might guess by quiet plane disrupting laughter, The Office was pretty good, although it did suffer at times from being outside the office, much like earlier in the season at the convention. Dwight attempting to haze Ryan was entertaining in that there’s no way Dwight could ever outsmart someone as smart as Ryan, as exemplified by the brain teasers opening. Best quote of the show was:

Dwight: And just as you have planted your seed in the ground, I am going to plant my seed in you.
Ryan: I don’t think you know what you are saying.

But here are some more good ones between the pair:

Dwight: Michael always says K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. Great advice, hurts my feelings every time.

Dwight: It’s those on-line paper jerks. The whole business is changing. You know what? They are going to be screwed once this whole Internet fad is over.

Dwight: Just think, that temp agency could have sent you anywhere.
Ryan: I think about that all the time.

Stanley becomes an entirely different person because of pretzels. Leslie David Baker looks like an entirely different person with wide open eyes and a smile instead of the usual gruff Stanley look. He and Michael should bond over pretzels more often. We again see that Michael is quietly good at his job by pulling a big sale, despite mediocre Cosby impersonations.

Jim and Karen had fun with chairs. Jim should totally hit that, but then Jim talks to Pam at the end of the episode and it was awkward and familiar all at the same time. “How many kitchens?”

Smallville has the first appearance of the Green Arrow in costume. It is a little less lame than the one in the comics, but how someone like Lois or Lionel can’t tell it is Oliver Queen is beyond me. To me, it isn’t quite the same as Clark Kent v. Superman because those two characters and personalities are completely different whereas both Green Arrow and Ollie Queen are essentially the same, it’s just that in this case, one is wearing granny sized sun glasses. I like what they are setting up with Lionel, Lex and Lana (the three double-L’s) with respect to the Zod hard drive. Who is in league with each other and who is double crossing the other? My guess is they are all out for themselves and will play everyone, but we’ll see.

“Three hundred sixty-four days to the next Pretzel Day.”