Lost: I Do
Ed has finally posted about “I Do” over at the Ed Zone. You know, if he really does get this far behind, we’ll be reading about the season ender just before the start of season four…
I kid, but he did promise it by the weekend. I suspect he’s busy like the rest of us and it has coincided with a lull in wanting to blog.
Anyway, my comments are on the post. The summary for me is, while we got a couple new items to ponder in Jacob and Alex, it wasn’t the cliffhanger I was hoping for, so I’ll be looking forward to the restart in February, but not dying for it to come.
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:: The Office: The Merger :: seanobrien.org // OB1og
Wed :: 22 :: Nov :: 2006 :: 10.17 pm
[…] Wasn’t I just ripping on Ed a little bit with respect to taking too long to post a Lost review? […]