November 2006

This is a list of posts published in November 2006.

The Office: “Diwali” and “Branch Closing”

Michael thinks they are all screwed

Well, this is late and not late.

Late because it includes two episodes, but not late because I have no damn schedule you fool! No… it is late because “Diwali” sucked, and no, not the holiday, the episode… I’m sure it is just like an “Indian Halloween” Kelly.

I talked to Ed at one point after the episode and asked if it sucked as hard for him as it did for me. I told him I laughed out loud twice, told him what scenes/lines and he pointed out several others, which I agreed were okay, but still… I didn’t really enjoy this episode. That caused me to delay, delay, delay in writing about it.

Anyway, all I had was Jim falling off his bike and declaring, “I’m a drunk driver” and Pam giving Michael a ride home after getting dissed by both Gail and Pam. His revelation that “these aren’t my shoes”... Continue reading »

ATHF: Party All the Time

I had higher hopes after the first two episodes. This one felt like it was phoned in. Only two things were funny: Meatwad convincing Shake to eat a Scorpion and shove his hand into a bee’s nest and making up the sign that reads “Get Well Asshole.” Cancer is never funny and I didn’t see the point.

Hopefully tonight’s “Global Grilling” is better. Oh yeah, what happened to having funny intros?

New Spidey Trailer

Black costume Spidey

New Spider-Man 3 trailer on and iFilm.

Heroes: Nothing to Hide

Matt Parkman punches his best friend in the Heroes web comic

Damn last week’s Entertainment Weekly for starting off a Heroes cover story with spoiler warnings! I couldn’t even read the article for fear of tainting my own discovery of what is happening. I stated previously, in my first dedicated post about Heroes I think, that I don’t read message boards, etc. about the show because I want to figure this stuff out on my own. The same can be said of Lost.

Since no one answered my question at the end of my last post about Chapter 6, I’ll just forgo any full recap and just drop my thoughts and ponderings on Chapter 7, especially since I just typed up most of the content after this sentence and lost it due to stupidly using the “Undo” feature of the TinyMCE editor contr... Continue reading »

Lost: The Cost of Living

Since “Tellyman” is probably dead, I decided I will post an Aside with a link to my thoughts on each episode of Lost as I leave them on Ed’s posts over at The Ed Zone. So, here are my comments on “The Cost of Living.”

I just watched “I Do” tonight, so get with the posting already Ed!

In the meantime, was Tellyman killed by his arch-nemesis, Google Lad, or simply kidnapped? I suppose time will tell…

RvB: Season 5

I like me. My Other Car is a Puma.

As a registered user, I got a little e-mail from Rooster Teeth on Tuesday to give some discount code for use in their store this holiday season.

“Hmm…” I thought, I haven’t been over there since the last season finished up. Let’s see whud up.

Well, whud up is Season 5 started at the end of September!

What, what, what???

That’s right, I’ve been missing out and so have you! If you count yourself as a Halo fan, you should be following what these guys do…

Under the Bridge

Golden Gate BridgeOkay, so really, it is above the bridge, or in front of it, but you get the picture… er, I mean the point. I figured I started with a RHCP tune for a title, so I might as well end with one, even if I don’t really like this one that much.

Anyhoo, I have finally completed posting the rest of my *good* photos from the San Francisco area trip. I could add more in the future, but I really need to plow thru the rest and determine if any gems were missed or, if I can make any more into gems via Photoshop.

I added photos to two sets I created last time out and describe in my previous post. The photos I took during my last two nights by the bridge were added to the Golden... Continue reading »


Microsoft has gone on a quiet little spree of releasing some good stuff for free downloads over the last month or so. I thought I might provide the links here so that you can update your stuff and be as secure as possible.

I highly recommend the Defender Anti-Spyware software, so if I had you install the beta, get the final version now. The Zune XP Theme is a long-time coming, it is just too bad they released it about 3 months before Vista is available. It is a mostly black theme that embarrasses the blue, puke green or silver theme you are using right now.

Lastly, if you are interested in an alternative browsing experience than IE, give Mozilla Firefox 2 a ... Continue reading »

Fake Tales of San Francisco

Coit TowerI posted more photos — do yourself a favor and look at larger sizes when on Flickr — from my trip to California tonight. As mentioned in my previous post about the trip, I hit Big Sur for the first day. These were all taken on my second full day there, which was Sunday 10/22.

I arrived by noon PDT on Friday 10/22, but I felt so sick after my flight — stomach and headache or migraine that caused me to feel nauseous, it was all bad — I headed straight for my hotel and crashed for a couple hours. I only got two hours sleep the night before and maybe two more bad hours on the flight. By the time I woke up, I was pretty worthless... Continue reading »

Hiro’s iTunes

Anyone else upgrade to iTunes 7.0.2 on Windows yesterday and also get stuck with the Japanese version of the iTunes Store? Not that I really ever buy anything from it — I still like buying reflective plastic — but everything is in Yen so I wouldn’t know what it really cost anyway. I can guess that 150 Yen = 99 cents though.

Too bad I didn’t end up with the British version of it. If I did, I could grab some mad imports. Oh wells.

I also lost some album art due to the upgrade. They can never seem to get this right. I am always losing album art for no good reason.