Mooninite massacre
Today Boston’s Finest, in conjunction with the Massachusetts State Police, set about the city destroying any Mooninite they could find.
Someone noticed Err or Ignignokt today after they had been in the wild for two weeks or so. Since this person had no concept of who or what they were, they cried bomb!
“Yes, surely it is a bomb! Look at him flipping me off like that!”
Now, I understand the concern for the public’s safety, but we aren’t talking about an abandoned suitcase or unassuming cardboard box on the street here. We are talking about little signs, magnetically attached to some structure. Okay, so maybe not such a good idea to affix them to bridges, but hey, if you get a good peep at it, doesn’t it look harmless enough?
At least we can sleep easy tonight knowing the alleged mastermind behind this scheme has been arrested. It’s his fault and not Turner‘s, right?
Well, we’ll see if this little overreaction on the part of the city has any affect on the box office numbers when the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie drops this Spring. Will there be a Snakes on a Plane effect?
I don’t think so, but this little episode has me wishing I found one of those little guys to make him my own and wanting to see the flick in the theater — for no real good reason — rather than wait for DVD.
Thanks to everyone who e-mailed or called me about this today. I almost broke my blogging at work rule… almost.
Update: Ed has a great editorial posted over on the Zone about this mess.
Related posts: Best. Billboard. Ever. :: Mooninite Mayhem :: ATHF archives
This post has 9 comments (now closed):
Wed :: 31 :: Jan :: 2007 :: 10.17 pm
I just finished watching 15 minutes of coverage on the Fox News at 10:00. That’s 15 minutes out of a 60 minute broadcast. Can’t beat that kind of free publicity!!!
Wed :: 31 :: Jan :: 2007 :: 10.46 pm
The best part is the [edited] graphic they keep running at each break:

Then listening to the square reporters try to describe the show and Mooninites. C’mon guys, you aren’t that old…
Thu :: 01 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 07.52 am
They kept running that edited graphic but never blurred our the actual Image when they showed the bomb squad detonating the Mooninites – which left me rolling as all of the Commonwealth was flipped the bird for 15 minutes straight.
Thu :: 01 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 08.44 am
Thu :: 01 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 10.27 am
@Ed: Yeah, I noticed that most of the 11 o’clock stations blurred out the fingers on the signs, but Fox wasn’t.
Also, [adult swim] was running apology graphics last night at the start of each half hour instead of one of their usual funny/insane graphics. They even commend the Boston public infrastructure and all those involved for their good work.
Defiant to the end I guess… too bad they are owned by Time Warner.
Thu :: 01 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 11.13 am
I can’t help but laugh. Terrorism is no laughing matter… but this is quite a different matter.
So far from the elected officials and talking heads, the response has been anger. I sense it is the anger of being exposed to ridicule. Boston would be best letting this one roll of its back… as there’s no spin that could possibly save face at this point in the game.
Thu :: 15 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 07.33 pm
They’re probably gone by now, but apparently some of the signs were selling for $2,000 bucks a pop on eBay! If you wanted to spend that kind of serious cash, you truly could have had one for yourself! 😉
Tue :: 20 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 11.43 pm
@Noelle: I bet we could make our own for a tenth of that cost. I gotta believe people bidding that high are going for the collectible aspect of it, but it is probably money better spent on a new HDTV… 😉
:: ATHF: Movie film for DVD :: OB1og
Mon :: 23 :: Apr :: 2007 :: 09.33 pm
[…] expecting? This should have been straight to DVD. I heard nothing but bad buzz for it beforehand, Mooninite Massacre aside (although I guess you can count that as bad too), and somehow the reviews were […]