Lost heroes
Last night’s episode of Heroes was written by Jeph Loeb. Mr. Loeb is a kick ass comic book writer, but also a former Supervising Producer on Lost.
Anyway, not only did the episode feature a cameo by the main Marvel man, Stan Lee, but this nod to Lost by Nathan Petrelli:
“I’d round us all up. Stick us in a lab on some… island in the middle of the ocean.”
A sly nod to all the island’s inhabitants having power like Desmond?
This post has 2 comments (now closed):
Wed :: 21 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 09.30 pm
I guess it was the fanboy in me, and the fact that I missed the word “lab” (and the Lost/Loeb connection didn’t hit me), but I instantly thought of the Mutant island of Genosha. But that’s just me.
Wed :: 21 :: Feb :: 2007 :: 10.06 pm