April 2007
This is a list of posts published in April 2007.
Lost: Expose
You know, I think I probably sound like a major, drooling fanboy in going on about the Women of Lost — yeah, sounds like a layout in a bunny mag — but, killing off Nikki was both brilliant and gutt wrenching… well, that general area anyway…
Four bucks a gallon?
Ugh… it could be a very expensive Summer for me if I don’t get a new job, or at least relocate mine. Filling up ~3 times a week is going to get even more painful…
Lost: The Man From Tallahassee
Okay, you know I haven’t been doing a good job keeping up with my blog or others when you realize two weeks later that you didn’t read a post you were about to comment on…
Anyway, my comments on the Locke-centric episode are on The Ed Zone.
Today is the one year anniversary of this little here blog.
Yup, one year ago I posted Walk This World to announce my presence to the interwebs.
Have I progressed as a blogger? Probably not.
Have I grown as a person? Most assuredly; both in the literal and figurative sense of the word.
I wasn’t sure what my goal was when I started up my own blog, but I figured I’d get there eventually. I recently wrote about my Blog Identity. Not sure I have done a good job staying on that path so far, but I will get better. I think I just said that in the last post too, but I believe it to be true.
Work has had me busy over the last month, so I haven’t had much desire to sit in front of the computer when I do get home. Nope,... Continue reading »
Wed :: 04 :: Apr :: 2007 :: 09.04 pm
Asides, Commentary, WTF
1 time
Lucky and Flo
I was relating the original story of Lucky and Flo to Ed when we took in 300 a few weeks ago. He’s an owner of two Labs and it was just an interesting story to relate, but I don’t have a link to the original story I read.
L&F are two Labs on loan to the Malaysians as weapons in the fight against CD/DVD pirates. Instead of sniffing out bombs or drugs, they sniff out plastic-based entertainment warez. Anyway, since that time, there have been two more stories of their exploits, the latest being another big bust thanks to their finely tuned and trained snouts.
The middle story is the one I really wanted to comment on, and that is simply to question, WTF? What kind of a world is it when you put out a hit on two loveable Labs?