May 2007
This is a list of posts published in May 2007.
Three hundred
This is going to be short and sweet because I am so late to the party with it. I have wanted to post on it for a while, ever since seeing it and then reading Jason and Ed’s posts on it, but other things got in the way. I think I’ll be ahead of the curve for the DVD release though, yeah?
I found the premise of writing a graphic novel about this event in history to be quite novel. I mean, how exactly did Frank Miller get about doing this as a project? This is a guy better known to the masses for Sin City, Robocop, Batman (comics) and Tank Girl (heh… well, the original work was better than the flick. Oh where have you gone Lori Petty?). I’m sure I could do some research on the web for this, but I’m a lazy blogger today and like I said, short and sweet.
And, again, being lazy (and potentially dumb to do so), I’m going to go off what I remember as th... Continue reading »
Beta beta beta
Remember that robot on Buck Rogers? I don’t think it ever said anything else or my brain remembers nothing other than that — which is true of the entire show really — and yes, it wasn’t quite “beta” but more likely “bitta.”
Don’t worry, this post isn’t about that robot or betta fish or math or physics or fraternities or the Greek alphabet. It is about the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta test. The one I mentioned a bit in my Crackalackin post.
For the uninitiated — I’m willing to bet you didn’t get this far — “beta” is a term attached to software that isn’t quite finished and tested, but needs some wider end-user abuse and use. It comes after an “alpha” test, which is usually a really rough build that the developers muck around with. Google and Yahoo users may be familiar with the term as all their products seem to be forever in beta while everyone is using them.Continue reading »
Sox flickr photos
I finally put up some photos from the first Sox game I went to this year. I had a major time waste in doing this due to issues with the flickr uploadr and my Canon editing software. I’m right p!ssed.
Anyway, calm me down by taking a few minutes to check them out. They really suck.
Seriously. They suck compared to the ones that I took last weekend at the Braves game. Convince me to waste more time and share them.
BTW – You’d do well to look at a lot of the *distant* ones in a larger size.
UPDATED: Check out flickr’s awesome improved slideshow with this set. Use your F11 key to switch your browser to full screen mode (and back) before you click the link. Oh, and click the “i” in the middle of the photo when you start so you get my titles and descriptions.
Halo 2: softcore edition
You know how to sell an almost three year old Xbox game to PC gamers? Put a little nudity in it!
Hopefully it isn’t dudity of the Master Chief removing his codpiece… that wouldn’t go over so well with the fanboys… or, maybe it would.
I’m just having a hard time figuring out how you even integrate that into one of the game’s cutscenes. I’m guessing it would be there instead of, oh… I don’t know, a strip club that the Chief passes by in Cairo Station and you can have him stop in for a legs and eggs…
Wii be raging
It is a good thing Ed has the Wii downstairs and the spensive new HD set upstairs. A videogame raging 3 year-old trashes his Dad’s plasma after a bad go at Wii Sports.
The photo at the link is priceless… the TV? Not so much.
Lost: Through the Looking Glass
Well, it’s a good thing that I watched this live in HD because Media Center conspired against me again and only recorded up until 10.40. Nice. I might need to get a DVR from Comcast.
So, I left a really long comment on Ed’s post today. I thought I should make it a standalone post here due to the length, but that would go against what I have done here this year, plus it would make it hard to match up the numbers (if you are so inclined).
Gotta say, sure did like watching Bonnie and Greta tool on the Hobbit. Sure did not like the continuing trend of killing off the island’s hotties though…
And with that, I’m out. Can’t wait for next season.
You know, I finish building a Biggerboat and think I can spend some time on my blog for a while, but then a game like Crackdown gets my dollars and that idea goes straight out the window. I swear, I can’t really multi-task at home anymore, work has sucked all that out of me.
At most, I get to do two things when I get home during the week: eat (always) and watch TV or play Xbox 360. Weekends are a little different, but again, I have a hard time doing more than a couple things on a given weekend day lately. I don’t really know why other than think it has something to do with addiction. I feel like I get on little stretches of being addicted to a certain activity and that causes me to neglect all kinds of other things. This is no way for an adult to live… I think.
I suppose that’s a larger subject than what this post is all about, and it is all about Crackdown.
I have had the game for a little under a week and I am totally addicted.... Continue reading »
Lost: Greatest Hits
In a way, I helped write Ed’s latest post on Lost, as well as left my comments there. I told him Friday that I couldn’t wait for him to post because I had a theory I wanted to share. I reluctantly told him it then so long as he promised not to steal it as his own… what do you know, he gave me credit for it. He still hasn’t given me credit for a joke he has used a couple times, a variation actually appears in that very post, but I’m not sour… nope, not me. 😉
As for this aside’s continuation of the running joke, I’ll go with Ed’s suggestion for the two groupies sharing the bed with Charlie in his flashy, although Claire was looking pretty cute.
Hmm… this guy has to die.
Lost: The Man Behind the Curtain
We’re off to read the comments, the wonderful comments of Sean…
Yeah, well, what are you going to do. Hey, instead of beating the old joke to death by commenting on a beautiful baby, let me say that Samantha Mathis is looking a bit rough these days. Man, she’s a long way gone from her turn on Harsh Realm (alongside John Locke). If you didn’t catch her, she was Horace’s chica at the start and also Ben’s school teacher on the island.
Oh, and I didn’t say it there, but I will here, I agree that Locke ain’t dead. I just forgot to over there in my rush to watch tonight…