Phoned in
What’s this? Three posts in three hours? Oh my gawdz!
I just wanted to point out a few photos I took with my mobile as I was driving home from work tonight (last night???). The rainbow(s) were some of the best I have ever seen and here I am with only my mobile! So much for having expensive camera equipment when you have no secure place to keep it! If only I had a vehicle that had locks that meant something…
Anyway, they were super bright on the ends and wicked fat. There was also sometimes a second rainbow that almost was like a reflection in that the colors were going the opposite way. I don’t recall ever noticing that before when I have seen doubles.
This post has 2 comments (now closed):
Thu :: 09 :: Aug :: 2007 :: 08.03 am
Nice… now if only we could get some good pony talk going on this site?!?!?
Thu :: 09 :: Aug :: 2007 :: 09.09 pm
Okay… GO!