January 2008
This is a list of posts published in January 2008.
On Johan
The Mets probably got a helluva a deal and they probably needed him the most. Santana will probably finish the year with a sub 1.00 ERA and 300 K’s in the National League and that is fine by me. I’m glad that Theo didn’t blow the payroll on this guy, regardless of whether or not you consider him the best pitcher in baseball, no one is worth that money, never mind the prospects. Ellsbury patrolling center with Lester and Buchholz battling for the fifth starter spot? I’ll take that and the financial flexibility to keep pace with the trimming down Yankees, who also didn’t blow their wad on Johan.
At first, I hated the thought of giving up Lester or Jacoby, but when whispers from scouts about Santana’s second half started to pop up, I got even more fearful. I hope he’s fine and continues his awesome career with excellent health. In the NL.
Sorry to all you Twins fans in that your new GM overplayed his... Continue reading »
ATHF: Sirens
For whatever reason, this blog seems to get hit a lot by stoner college kidz sniffing out ATHF soundboards, clips and grabs. A few pics aside, I have just about none of that, but whatevs.
New episodes have started back up with this past Sunday’s “Sirens” featuring Carl. Now, I know I missed the last one or two of the last run and have yet to see the movie film for theaters or DVD, so maybe I don’t entirely know what is going on and maybe not, but — this is an excessively long sentence — I scratched my head more than I laughed. By far.
The only funny thing was John Kruk as a mythical siren and calling Carl an asshole after he convinced him to cut off his own nipples. I didn’t get the crypt keeper type dude, didn’t know where the teens were and found Carl to be… not funny. Also, Neko Case voiced another of the sirens, but I only knew that from the credits.
I’m either over this show or I need to get back up to speed. Either way, this one sucked and I don’t know that I’m looking forward to the... Continue reading »
No bowling
In case you were wondering about my Super Bowl status, you can wonder no more. No super bowling for me. I figured you didn’t figure it out from the silence, so I’d tell you. Heck, that’s better than what Jay and I got, but I’m not complaining. We never heard back from his friend with the tix and that leaves us to both assume it didn’t happen. Either that, or he ain’t tellin and is instead sellin dem tix on the craigslist or ebays.
Anyway, just as well cuz now I won’t miss the commercials… wait… they sucked last year, right? Actually, hasn’t that been a trend? Oh wait… I didn’t even watch it last year… I think. Yeah, I don’t think I watched much anyway… can’t watch Peyton. Let me see if I posted about it…
Yep… a little bit. I posted a comment as a post. What what what? Just go read it if you are curious. I may have said if I watched it or not on a comment at the... Continue reading »
I posted some photos [slideshow] from Saturday’s playoff win against the Jacksonville Jaguars. I took it easy on you and only posted 33, or the just over 400 frames I fired off. That’s a ~55 percent drop off from my last set, so you should have no problem zipping thru them. Right?
Anyway, seventeen and Oh baby! and… yes… I went to the game… I know people.
Not really… but, it is funny how many people wonder just that when you tells them you went to the game.
Well, guess what… I am going again this week and… knock on a lot of wood — how about an everwood tree — and wish me good luck… the Super Bowl. Of course, our source has to win the ticket lottery and oh… the Pats need to get past the Bolts too. He’s been 0-3 so far, so maybe we’ll luck out... Continue reading »
A toy story
I have been a little behind on posting a link to this, but I was happy to do a “5 Questions with…” over on Poe Ghostal’s Points of Articulation.
That’s because I was helping him sell out by putting up ads within that snappy-ish blog I helped him build. It’s now an “ish” because it has been compromised by ads. I kid of course, but when you get over there, click some to make the guy some extra bones for his wedding.
It was fun to both build the site and do the interview, although it took a long time to answer. Brought back some good memories (outside of the petty theft). 🙂
Update: I should have added that Ed has his own “5 Questions with…” over on PGPoA too. He has now done a write up of his own on The Ed Zone which incorporates some thoughts on the topic and site as well as the text of the interview.
Year in consumables: 2007 music
Yeah, I know I said I was going to name this post “Year wax,” but a funny thing happened with that; I realized I came up with a regulah name for this stuff last year. I was searching for the one I remembered writing about music and there it was. Funny what happens when you search your own archives.
Anyway, I decided to keep with the naming convention, just because I like the way it ties things together. I did consider going with a convention based off “Year (something),” which would allow me to use “Year wax,” but I couldn’t figure anything good for gaming and movies. Best I had was “Year smax” and “Year flix” respectively, and those are, well… lame.
On with the scheduled programming…
Lemme see here… this past year, I purchased (!) 56 discs and an unknown... Continue reading »
I’m sure this is a slap to the face or insult to you fine readers, but my New Year’s resolution is to be a better, more frequent blogger.
Heh… you can stop laughing now. I am kidding of course.
No, I won’t insult you with that one, but let’s just say it is something I’ll attempt to get back to (if anyone cares anymore). It’s going to go hand-in-hand with an attempt to stay in better touch with faraway friends via e-mail. My life isn’t so busy that I can’t accomplish both, so I don’t see why I have such a problem other than feeling said life is pretty lame to continuously report on.
Actually, this blog should really serve that purpose, no?
As a (possibly hollow) show of good faith, my next post will be my year end best-of music post. If you didn’t guess from the Coming Attractions post, the one entitled “Ear wax” was to be a round up of music, but I’m going to rename it... Continue reading »