ATHF: Sirens
For whatever reason, this blog seems to get hit a lot by stoner college kidz sniffing out ATHF soundboards, clips and grabs. A few pics aside, I have just about none of that, but whatevs.
New episodes have started back up with this past Sunday’s “Sirens” featuring Carl. Now, I know I missed the last one or two of the last run and have yet to see the movie film for theaters or DVD, so maybe I don’t entirely know what is going on and maybe not, but — this is an excessively long sentence — I scratched my head more than I laughed. By far.
The only funny thing was John Kruk as a mythical siren and calling Carl an asshole after he convinced him to cut off his own nipples. I didn’t get the crypt keeper type dude, didn’t know where the teens were and found Carl to be… not funny. Also, Neko Case voiced another of the sirens, but I only knew that from the credits.
I’m either over this show or I need to get back up to speed. Either way, this one sucked and I don’t know that I’m looking forward to the next. I’ll report on it anyway. It is only 11 minutes of viewing and 5 minutes of typing…
This post has 6 comments (now closed):
Wed :: 30 :: Jan :: 2008 :: 09.22 pm
Well, the reviews I read on ATHF The Movie were pretty weak (and these weren’t reviews by reputable critics – they were from rabid fanboys) so I think this may be one property that has run its course.
ATHF: Couple Skate :: OB1og
Wed :: 06 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 09.15 pm
[…] Maybe Ed is right. This show is over. […]
Ben Houck
Mon :: 18 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 01.31 am
Sirens was the second ep of the new season. Perhaps you didn’t find it funny because “I didn’t get the crypt keeper type dude (and) didn’t know where the teens were”. Even though those things are explained in the episode they seem to have been lost to your critical eye. I don’t find things funny either when I’m barely paying attention. I think this season has been quite strong.
Tue :: 19 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 10.15 pm
Fair play Ben. As I stated, I wasn’t sure if something came before it, and indeed, you are right, this is the second episode of the season. I didn’t realize I missed one. Looks like they may repeat it this week, so I may be in luck. In any case, I only offer my opinion and do not mean to offend or influence others that watch (or don’t).
That said, I haven’t enjoyed the show as much these last two years as I did previously. It is a lot like South Park for me in that I used to laugh hard, and constantly, when it first started out, but it got weaker on me as it got past its first few years. While there are still occasional gems, overall, it ain’t what it used to be for me.
ATHF: Hoppy Bunny :: OB1og
Tue :: 19 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 10.20 pm
[…] though, while this one was probably the best of the four I have seen so far this season — recent commenter Ben points out I missed the first one — I am still not impressed. I think I peaked in season 4 and last season was probably […]
ATHF: Robots Are Everywhere :: OB1og
Mon :: 25 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 12.34 am
[…] you may know, I was taken to task by random commenter Ben on my “Sirens” post. Well, the dude was right, the first episode — this episode […]