ATHF: Sirens

For whatever reason, this blog seems to get hit a lot by stoner college kidz sniffing out ATHF soundboards, clips and grabs. A few pics aside, I have just about none of that, but whatevs.

New episodes have started back up with this past Sunday’s “Sirens” featuring Carl. Now, I know I missed the last one or two of the last run and have yet to see the movie film for theaters or DVD, so maybe I don’t entirely know what is going on and maybe not, but — this is an excessively long sentence — I scratched my head more than I laughed. By far.

The only funny thing was John Kruk as a mythical siren and calling Carl an asshole after he convinced him to cut off his own nipples. I didn’t get the crypt keeper type dude, didn’t know where the teens were and found Carl to be… not funny. Also, Neko Case voiced another of the sirens, but I only knew that from the credits.

I’m either over this show or I need to get back up to speed. Either way, this one sucked and I don’t know that I’m looking forward to the next. I’ll report on it anyway. It is only 11 minutes of viewing and 5 minutes of typing…