February 2008
This is a list of posts published in February 2008.
Friday Night Lights
The Best Show I Am Not Now Watching!
Back in October, Ed posted about FNL at The Ed Zone. It was a call to arms that everyone watch one of the best shows on television that, unfortunately, not enough people watch. It is one of those shows with a lot of critical praise, but low viewership. Yup… almost assured cancellation or non-renewal at the hands of some idiot network exec. (See Arrested Development, Veronica Mars.)
I’m sure the heat could be on again this Spring to renew the show, but then, the WGA strike has thrown the proverbial monkey in the wrench with respect to next year’s schedule. It is my belief that NBC will do the right thing and renew the show for at least half a season next year. (They aren’t being as kind to Las Vegas so far though.)
So, to do my part, I have started watching again. Yup, it started accidentally with me catching the last two episodes (shown to da... Continue reading »
Lost: The Constant
So, I started watching this episode about 15 minutes after it started, so I was a little more confused than I should have been, and with time jumping/traveling, that’s shaky ground already! I think I need to start guaranteeing I get myself out of work in time to get home for nine so I can watch all of it in HD. Either that, or waste money on a Comcast DVR cable box so I can record it in HD. Media Center only records standard def over cable.
Obviously it made more sense when I watched the beginning after the end. My comments are on the newly refreshed Ed Zone.
Random TV moment, the guy playing the freighter doctor appeared in the episode of Eli Stone that aired after Lost. In that, he played an automotive corporation whistle-blower cum Hawaiian surf shop owner after being paid off…
I know you don’t care, it was just random. I know this because, yes, I sit thru Eli Stone to watch Julie Gonzalo, who was on Veronica Mars last year, and is way, way cuter/hotter as a brunnette.
Uh-oh… not only is this a long aside, but it is devolving into my Lost aside posting practices from the end of last year… you know, where I just talk about the ladies. Must be something about Spring approaching. 😉
Who’s watching Watchmen?
Okay, so I was close to the end of my current geek book, so before I left for work this morning, I remembered that I hadn’t finished reading Watchmen and knew that would be perfect new train fodder. I searched my house for 10 minutes looking for it after it wasn’t in my office, where it should have been. I gave up and left for work and had to suffer thru 1.5 train rides of staring at the odd people on the train. (I’m sure they don’t think that about me.)
I got home tonight and spent a further 15 minutes looking everywhere. Looking in the open, under furniture, in boxes, in the kitchen cabinets (and drawers) and nada. No Watchmen to be found.
I never lose anything. Ever.
So, the question is… did I lend it to someone? Anyone have it?
ATHF: Robots Are Everywhere
Okay, now that’s what I’m talkin about!
As you may know, I was taken to task by random commenter Ben on my “Sirens” post. Well, the dude was right, the first episode — this episode — was great! If only I saw this first, at least the year would have started off well before having a few questionable episodes until “Hoppy Bunny” dropped.
Anyway, this one had elements of a Mooninite episode, so I suppose that’s why I enjoyed it so much… oh, and Carl being victimized of course. I suppose he may have gotten his revenge John Rambo style, but… “More! More! These are like vitamins to us.”
If you dig Rachel Dratch, which I do not in any way shape or form, then you dig this episode. Apparently her voice was somewhere in there… not that I’d really know it. I just know the face from 30 Rock appearances. (No, I d... Continue reading »
Lost: Eggtown
I posted a couple comments over on Ed’s post. I have a new Six which I will reveal here: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron, Sun. The two that die (from the Eight)? I am going with Claire (duh!) and Jin.
As you’ll note from my comments over there, I apparently wasn’t hearing too well last night when I watched the ep. I guess I need to crank it up next week!
ATHF: Hoppy Bunny
Furries are funny. Especially when the unicorn gets all up on Frylock… oh, and when Meatwad then explains how Frylock should work his way up the furry chain… he can’t start off with the unicorn…
I don’t know though, while this one was probably the best of the four I have seen so far this season — recent commenter Ben points out I missed the first one — I am still not impressed. I think I peaked in season 4 and last season was probably half-and-half if I went back and tallied it up. I might still pick up the 5 DVD though.
I’ll finish the season out though. I’m going to give it a fair shot. Cue up a Mooninite episode and I am all over it. City of Boston? Not so much.
As for last thoughts on this particular episode, it was much improved, but ultimately, still a little too loose in connecting the dots. While this sometimes works well for the teens, it doesn’t always.
Lost: The Economist
So, my thoughts on who leaves from my comment back to Chris rang true, which makes smack-the-forehead sense. The Oceanic Six would have to be people from the passenger manifest. That means, people that returned and were not on the flight would be unpublicized I’m sure. Therefore, between my initial list, additional modifications and the roll-up from the last set of comments to this week, I have a new list… two, actually, and the Ben reveal also has me putting Locke in the box, but with a possible wrinkle.
Anyway, the new comments are, of course, over on The Ed Zone post.
ATHF: Redickulous
Shake killing pets in the microwave. Carl using a device that, um… well, we won’t get into the stuff around Carl. It was enough that I don’t care to put the words here. Episode seemed like a mash-up. Two ideas smashed together. Badly. I really think I am done here. I’ll watch this week’s since it involves furries, and they are just so weird.
Lost: Confirmed Dead
So far, so good. Left my comments over on Ed’s post. I am starting to think of adjusting my six. I might change out Desmond for Juliet and Locke for Sayid. That’s just because those two just linked up with Jack, Kate and the “rescuers.”
Tue :: 19 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 11.12 pm
Commentary, Film, Web
Apple, Blu-ray, HD DVD, iTunes, Metal Gear Solid, Netflix, Playstation 3, PS3, Sony, Toshiba
now closed
Blu-ray wins
So, did everyone that doesn’t own a HD DVD or Blu-ray player yawn like I did?
Toshiba blinked and conceded defeat in the HD optical disc format war today. This wasn’t that big a surprise I guess, although, it still shows that Sony has some weight left to throw around. That said, Sony just ended up on the winning side this time. After all, they lost on Betamax, DAT and MiniDisc. Wow, that’s three failed formats before producing another winner.
Okay, okay… they partnered with Phillips to produce the CD in there somewhere, but those same partners did lose out to Toshiba and others on the DVD front. I guess they turned the tables this time, but failed to avoid the format war that DVD did.
Yeah, shocking… I actually did a little wikipedia research for this one. I thought they were also the Laserdisc losers, but no, they didn’t invent that one either. Glad I checked my facts. I don’t want to be an interwebs fool.
Too late! Continue reading »