March 2008
This is a list of posts published in March 2008.
ATHF: Fruits
So, I think it just takes the Dave and Matt a handful of episodes to hit their stride because they have been on a roll. Born Again drug addict fruit. Shake flipping us off at least twice (in the background). Carl with a tie. Yup, it is all there for the taking…
As in Dingo. Frisky Dingo.
It means nothing to do with the show. Which is funny, right? Yes.
I was gonna steal “Frisky Business” from this week’s Entertainment Weekly sidelight… um, blurb(?)… well whatever, it is under “Critic’s Corner” in the DVD section and written by Ken Tucker (I’m assuming that’s who KT is… which the on-line version confirms). Phew… but I didn’t.
Anyway, this is validation, no? I love that he gives Dingo a straight “A” and with this to back me up, I will again beg you to watch this show! Eleven minutes people! That’s it. These are quick things. Program your DVR to record them and enjoy at your leasure. Continue reading »
Lost: Meet Kevin Johnson
Yay! The return of Libby! She’s a hottie.
Okay, I figured I’d get that out of the way first. On to the point, which is, my comments on the last episode before the break are on Ed’s post. Let’s do a checkpoint on what I was right and wrong about.
Oceanic Six: My original three guesses were wrong (Locke, Sawyer, Desmond). I did add Sayid by episode 2 and by episode 3, I had Michael in the mix and added Sun. I didn’t add Aaron until the reveal, so he doesn’t count. I think my biggest victories were some Others being off-island and how Michael comes to be on the freighter.
Lost: Ji Yeon
As I said in my comments, I talked to Ed right after last week’s episode, so while I did read his post the day it came out… I think the minute it came out (I even did proof-reading detail for him), I didn’t leave any comments until today. So, they are there.
That overly wordy sentence was an attempt to think up something about one of the island hotties as I typed, but nothing came to mind. Um… so, Juliet was actually still looking pretty ill with the dirt and cuts and all… yeah.
ATHF: The Marines
I don’t get why Shake is still doing awful things to kittehs, but me likey this ep nonetheless. Would have been funny to see them also enlist Carl, but whatevs.
Year in consumables: 2007 games
Time to finish this series off for 2007. The first two parts were music and movies. Also, I just read my 2006 games post and damned if I wasn’t entertained by it. Maybe you should read it (again?)… for added incentive, I make fun of Mookie a little bit.
Speaking of which, I heard via Ed that his 360 finally red-ringed him. (Did we have a pool somewhere about this?) Well, I’m actually sorry to hear that. I thought it was going to beat the odds, but it might have finally succumbed... Continue reading »
ATHF: Dummy Love
A guest appearance by Ezekiel!
Okay, so it was only in a photo on the shelf where Shake placed the Dummy, next to his collectible plates from Maine and The Wizard of Oz. Didn’t see what he knocked off in favor of the dummy. I think Josh Homme (of Queen’s of the Stone Age) did this dummy’s voice. His name was in the credits, so he for that one and T-Pain (who?) as the other dummy delivered to Carl.
So, were those Carl’s fingers that the white one had? If so, then how’d he get them from the black one. And, then, wouldn’t they have fallen in love then? Yeah, that’s two male dummies bumping in Frylock’s bed. What?
I rate this one a good one. So that’s +2.
Year in consumables: 2007 movies
Even though I made a great headstart on this series for 2007 (see music post), I fell off the pace and I am now behind my awful showing last year. So, I figured on this dreary, rainy Saturday night, I would blast this one out and then… go watch a movie.
So, unlike last year, I watched a good amount of Netflix movies too. (Just prior to last year’s post I was inspired to reactivate my long dormant membership.) Now, I have a tough decision to make… do I include those here? Obviously I am going to speak to the movies released in the theaters during the year, but what about those I missed there and caught on Netflix instead? I think I will include those, but of course, only those I have seen so far. I won’t come back here and update as I do so.
Wait… this is supposed to be a top 5 list… argh. Well, here’s... Continue reading »
Lost: The Other Woman
I actually had to comment twice — to start anyway — over on Ed’s post, but here’s a link to the first one. Even though the ep shifted down a gear from last week’s, it was still a good one. I mean, we got Juliet in a bikini… how can you go wrong there?
Yes… I am doing that, again, on purpose… 😉
Funny how sometimes you get two awesome titles for one post in your head and have to pick just one. It was a toss up between this and “Karma Police.” Both are linked to music, but this one is just way more ironical, so I went with it.
That said, this post is about justice, karma and the police.
It all started one bright, sunny Thursday morning… earlier this morning… or does it? After all, wasn’t I just railing against the MBTA Transit Police the other day for a “suspect” parking ticket?
Hmm… yes I was, and based on plain facts at the time, not so suspect. I mean, I was over the lines and I wouldn’t argue otherwise. I deserved the ticket, no matter what the circumstance, but it would’ve been nice to point out why I was over the lines. Well… here we go again…
So, I drove into work this morning because I was going to be driving up north after work to meet up with some friends from my old job. There’s... Continue reading »