Lego vault
This link made my day and I found it quite by accident on the homepage this afternoon. I was grabbing the Firefox extension at work and happened upon it. (I’m an Engadget guy, not a Gizmodo guy.)
Anyway, the story is cool, but the really cool and happy part is the Lego set that set off the author. I think that was my second Lego set ever and the one I thought of as soon as I started reading the article. To my surprise as I continued to scroll down, there it was. What are the odds? The first one I had is also featured in the gallery.
Blocks from those sets are still in my possession. They make up a small bit of the helicopter I still have… the last original Lego creation of mine before I retired. I dontated all the leftover blocks, a crapload of them, to a friend’s little brother my freshman year of college.
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Mon :: 30 :: Jun :: 2008 :: 05.13 pm
That’s awesome – I used to have that Lego Space Galaxy Explorer… kinda still do, if the parts are still viable up in my parents’ attic. May have to go and look next time I’m home…
That brought back alot of memories…