Twenty-six K plow
Making round Gamerscores is going around. Look what I found tonight when I got home:
Gamerscore, Mistah Plow, Xbox 360
3 times (now closed)
Making round Gamerscores is going around. Look what I found tonight when I got home:
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This post has 3 comments (now closed):
Mon :: 18 :: Aug :: 2008 :: 08.12 am
What was cool about this was I was 35 points away and was jonesing to finish Puzzle Quest off. I looked to see what I needed to do and basically it was just beat the last guy – for a total of 35 points.
It’s kismet.
Mon :: 18 :: Aug :: 2008 :: 08.13 am
As much as Mistah Plow is tied to my online persona, I sometimes wish I had a GamerTag that was more closely associated with who I ma. Your OB1 is perfect.
Wed :: 20 :: Aug :: 2008 :: 02.19 am
Well, when Microsoft launches their ridiculous rip-off of the Mii with the Fall Dashboard Update, you can make you avatar look like you, but I’m afraid you’re stuck with that name… or are you? Can’t you buy a new name and transfer or is it just buy a new name? Hmm… but then, do you really want xXx 3-D1ddy xXx?