November 2008
This is a list of posts published in November 2008.
Telefizzled w.10
What happened to week 9? Did you even notice? This here is a two-for-one. Actually, it is probably more like a one-and-a-half-for-one. It would seem that after viewing three shows last night, I am already done for this week, so let’s get it over with!
Chuck (w.9): What’s better than Kate Austen crawling thru HVAC ducts? Sarah Walker crawling thru HVAC ducts. Well, it was what I thought of as it happened. Anyway, this one features the ex getting jealous of Chuck and Sarah. Oh and then kidnapped and rescued. But then she steals Chuck away for a weekend and Casey and Sarah find out she’s an evil spy. And let me continue this on to last night’s episode where…
Chuck (w.10): …they make her not evil, but then evil, but not evil, but then evil again. I’m not sure if she does or does not dig on Chuck now. Whatever, she was captured by Chuck in the end, her guest stint is done and I will surely miss the hot brunette in glasses thing that I seem to dig on. I may take Ed’s advice and sit thru The Faculty for the heckuvit. Maybe it ca... Continue reading »
Spark one up
Not really. I am still confused by the results of Question 2, but whatever.
No, this is in relation to my oil burner, which last night decided to not when I turned it on for the first time this year. I usually try to make it to December before turning on the heat. I don’t know why either. Not like it is the money. Anyway, this week has been pretty cold and it was time, but no joy. By the time I awoke this morning, it was 58 degrees in the house. Nice.
Needless to say, I got on the horn… err, gmail to my landlord and he got a service call set up for today. Short story long, I have heat now, so back up to 68 degrees and I won’t get to find out if I can see my breath inside the house tonight. By the way, if you don’t have a feather bed, then you need one. I didn’t even notice the lack of heat once I was in the coccoon with Wilford Brimley.
Anyway, it got me thinking about not having heat and maybe not having money for heat and I know there a those out there that don’t. In fact, lots of people right now are finding they don’t... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.8
With the new-this-year shows having already fizzled out, I contemplated discontinuing this series, but today I thought better of it. I figure it keeps me putting up at least something, but also because I suspect the shows that are left on my slate are going to continue the trend and fizzle out too. Therefore, I aim to continue this series in order to track this.
That said, if you do watch any of these shows, it would be nice to hear from you more often. I refuse to believe I am the only one watching The Hills. If I should stop writing these, you’ll let me know, right? (Unless you like laughing at me behind my back, which is fine too.) I mean, I know a good lot of you watch The Office and Joe at least used to watch Smallville, but usually this is The Ed Zone Part Deux in the comments. Not a bad thing as he brings the level of writing, and certainly humor, around here up a notch. Apparently I’m not funny enough in some of these for you to say so. Maybe I don’t leave enough room for clear shots at my self-dep... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.7
My Own Worst Enemy Edition
Another one bites the dust… and it wasn’t even on last week, which is why it bites the dust. You have a week layoff to start its season and I lose interest. I still don’t understand why NBC chose to not show any new shows the night before the election, but they did, so while I will continue to watch Chuck until it is cancelled, I won’t say the same for Enemy.
With this one now out, I am no longer watching anything new this season and 30 Rock is already on the bubble after two episodes. Can Aniston and Martin save it? Unlikely.
Chuck: Oh, that’s right… NBC shows this and it wasn’t on. Grr…
Big Bang: A geeky grad student takes a liking to Sheldon. Hilarity ensues. (I kid, I kid.) It was funny to see how they’d handle this kind of situation and it came off pretty much like you’d expect, except it didn’t seem the girl was into him outside of his brain, so no situation where we’d see what happens when he is presented with the option of s3x.
HIMYM: The let... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.6
There is no life on Mars. I didn’t watch it this week and I don’t think I will get around to it. I think this is going to be one of those shows I will watch if it is on and I am too lazy to turn it off. You know you do the same thing sometimes.
Speaking of lazy, I didn’t get a regular post up this week. Will try for two next week, but that might be unrealizable. Anyway, all that with three less shows to watch. Mars because I don’t seem to want to and Big Bang and HIMYM since they were repeats from last year.
Chuck: Missile Command as the mechanism to control a satellite to launch missiles. Awesome. Chuck becomes a hero when he beats the snot out of the game while it spins around on stage, which was just stupid. The creepy guy… I forget his name, was the all-time king, but he passed out or something and Chuck plays and saves the world. The creepy guy is even more creepy now after seeing his drinking pants and stalker video. You don’t care.
My Own Worst Enemy: Tomorrow night, they’ll kill him and the show will be over, bu... Continue reading »
Sun :: 02 :: Nov :: 2008 :: 07.29 pm
Alex Ross
4 times
Barack the vote
I am not a political person in the least and I make it a habit not to comment about it too much here because it is so polarizing sometimes and yeah, I don’t have the energy for debate. That said, I have to say something now. I think this election is probably the most important since I have been of age to vote and I’d like to see that everyone gets their say.
My choice has nothing to do with your say either. As I said, I just want you to vote. If you are registered, you owe it to everyone in this country to vote in this election. I will even allow you to waste it on Nader or someone not named McCain or Obama. Just vote.
At the local level, let’s make sure we save the pups and don’t legalize it. That said, if McCain wins, can we vote again and legalize it? If he wins, I think I might prefer being in a haze. Either that or I... Continue reading »