January 2009

This is a list of posts published in January 2009.

Year in consumables: 2008 games

BraidI am mixing up my order a little bit this year. In the past I have done music, movies and then games. This year I am doing a reverse order. Games are first because I am more or less done with games to play from last year. I am still catching up on movies but expect to have that up by weekend, err… end.  Since no one cares about the music one, it can go last. (If you are at all interested in last year’s lists you can find them under the best of tag, but here is last year’s games post.)

Of course, that’s not to say that the game had to come out in 2008 to make the list. I simply had to consume it in 2008. (Although, games from last year still on my list for this year are Tomb Raider Underworld and maybe Fallout 3.)

Last year I ranked 10 games and then did a li... Continue reading »

Let it snow. Again.

MLK snow

Stop the whining. Just stop. Please.

You live in the Northeast. It is winter. It snows. It has all your life. It will continue to do so for the rest of it. You will have to plow it. Snow-blow it. Shovel it. Drive in it. Deal with it.

Just because we have had a couple mild winters the previous two years didn’t mean it was going away. You just forgot in your old age. Your back got crankier. You got complacent. You didn’t want to buy a new shovel. You forgot how to drive in it. You can now complain about it in your Facebook status.

However, you can also play with your kids in it. Sled on it. Build a snowman with it. Make snowballs of it. Board or ski thru it. Make a snow angel in it. (Unless you are in an NFL game and can’t afford the 10k fine.) Instead of complaining about it, why don’t you have some fun in it?

Me? Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.17

Yay for the return of Lost! Boo for worms at work!

I had a long four day work week and had to catch up on a lot of telly over the weekend. Unfortunately that included Lost and Friday Night Lights. I really need the HD DVR because watching both of those in standard def is painful. Painful!

No Scrubs because of some inauguration or history or something. Feh.

Big Bang Theory: Sheldon tries to make a new friend. Best part was him making friends with a little girl in the kiddie book section and Leonard pulling him out of there before he was labeled an unintentional sex offender/pedophile. Other than that, kinda weak.

HIMYM: Ted and Barney’s bar and Marshall and Lily’s weird rituals. Well, I can appreciate the gift of beer, so good on Lily for that one. Why didn’t we get to see what happened when the bar owner found the place trashed? Thought this one was a letdown from last week.

Lost: As usual, my comments/thoughts are over on Ed’s post at The Ed Zone. Juliet wins. You kno... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.16

The week started off with a Big Bang. That would be me punching the desk because the computer decided to shut itself down last Monday. That meant it wasn’t up and running to record The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. (See what I did there?) I figured I’d be able to catch them later on cbs.com or tv.com, but I was only half right. No Big Bang full episodes there and it feels dirty to search the torrents. So, I missed one of my favorite shows this week, but the nerdgasm of The Legion showing up on Smallville made up for it. I am getting ahead of myself.

How I Met Your Mother: A full episode dedicated to *reading a magazine* and friends with benefits. Dare I say this episode got the show back on track a little more for me? I do dare. Of course, when you are work, you don’t read a magazine, you surf the web on your mobile or Crackberry. Am I right? The reality stars come to life on the magazine cover were awesome. Even if one scene was Heidi and Spencer.

Scrubs: And just like that, Courteney Cox is out of there. She’s got a new show for... Continue reading »

Twenty-six point two

Boston Marathon

I am still trying to catch up on posting photos from last year to Flickr and this set is from the Boston Marathon. I went in to the city on a whim that day since I took it off. It was a beautiful spring day, so why not spend it outside and sunburn the half of your face that wasn’t pressed against a camera?

I didn’t get in in time to see/shoot the *elite* runners. I did however catch Lance Armstrong but he was by me by the time I figured that out, so no photos. I also saw Team Hoyt, but only got one of Dick because they were in a bit of a crowd.

There are about 30 photos in the set and I shot 225 total. I tried to pick ones where people were struggling or wearing something funny. I didn’t add many captions, but there... Continue reading »

(My) Telefizzled w.15

A couple notes to start this off. First, I am losing track of week counts and how I was really trying to track that number. I thought from start of season, but not sure anymore, so I just skipped ahead another week because this one covers two weeks like the last one did. My feeling is there is a week in there somewhere that nothing was on, but really, who cares, right?

Second, I tweaked the title for this one because this week marked the return of my favorite show on these days. Of course, that show is Scrubs and you knew that because you know that almost every episode title starts with “My” since JD is your narrator. Fun trivia, there are seven episodes not starting with “My,” but instead with “His” (4), “Her” (2) and “Their” (1). Okay, I am kinda a Scrubs nerd and if didn’t already know, I have a man-crush on Zach Braff.

This week seemingly starts television’s second season. We are starting to see mid-season replacements and/or starts of shows like Scrubs, 24 (anyone still watching that?) and Lost (nex... Continue reading »

I resolve

First of the year

[As the sun sets on another year we… hahaha… no really, no heavy reflection here. Besides, that is the first sunset of this new year.]

Last year I wrote a bit about resolutions and never really stated what those were other than to be a better blogger — keep laughing, I am — and to stay in touch with faraway friends a bit better. Well, if you are keeping score, I didn’t do well with either, but probably better with the blogging than the staying in touch. As for the unrevealed ones, much worse. In fact, for one, total and utter failure.

This year, I am going to throw a couple right out there right now and we’ll see what happens. You can maybe help hold me to them. Or maybe you don’t care. Heck, as Juice... Continue reading »

Two seven four five four

That’s my end of year gamerscore. I set a goal of increasing it by 10k for the year and I went over that by almost 3500. I’ll just set another 10k increase for this year in favor of not overgaming because that takes away from other activities. Not really, it is just easier to go home after work and game than do other things. Like clean.

Gamerscore on 12.31.08

Of course that is nothing compared to what Ed did this year. Granted he picked up a gig reviewing games for Avault, but add to that playing with his Wii, not to mention everything else the busy man about the internets, business world, family world and homestead world does and the accomplishment is simply amazing. The fact that he more than tripled his goal really is impressive to me even if you don’t get it. Well done sir!

Gamerscore on 12.31.08