Telefizzled w.20
Wow… twenty weeks of telly so far this year. Of course, that’s not a totally accurate count of the weeks in the season so far. Just the weeks that had something new on for me to watch. Speaking of that, this week didn’t start so well with Chuck and How I Met Your Mother not being on because of the Obama presser. I didn’t even get home in time to watch any more than the last five minutes. I’m sure I can find it easy enough in the tubes, but I don’t want to hear him say “Um” much more. He should probably work on that.
Big Bang Theory: They smartly tucked this one in after that Charlie Sheen show, so yay! for saving my Monday night. Christine Baranski was awesome as Leonard’s mom. She actually managed to get her son further along the bases than he could himself. Of course, he blew his chance. The Sheldon interaction with Leonard’s mom was the highlight. I guess singing some Rock Band together was their substitute for sex because surely they would have had it had either had any interest in it, which has (and was) established that neither does. Why am I talking about sex?
Trust Me: I read the other day that this show gets better as it gets further along, so I am going to keep watching past this third episode. The issue is I don’t really have a lot to comment on with this one. I like Tom Cavanagh’s character the most, but that’s really about it. Monica Potter has been tough to root for and Eric McCormick seems to still be playing Will, but just straight.
Scrubs: Back on track because Turk is back in the house sporting scrubs with a tiger blood splatter with chocolate tail. Of course, JD was just on the phone for that one, but that was clever too, especially when Cox tossed his office at the end looking for the phone. Intern Jo (Denise) is definitely my favorite. I like that the weird, nerd, geek kid called her “dude-chick” and she’s a chubby chaser setting a cheeseburger as bait. That Kelso loves the girl too speaks volumes, right? Looks like we are replacing Ed with the Sunny chick. That could work out. I like the interaction with Denise so far. As for Ed, looks like he is gone and is going to be on that Amy Poehler Parks and Recreation show. Loved the intern talent/sketch show. Loved it. Most of the bits were spot on. Okay, all of them were. Let me leave you with “Eagle!”
Lost: Comments about this week are over on the Ed Zone. Charlotte and her Geordi LaForge cybernetic eyes win this week, if only because it was her last.
The Office: Where the previous week was good, this second part fell a little flat. Yeah, I get that Michael is heartbroken, but they may have made him a little too creepy. They never made it clear if Pam was blowing smoke after she read the “Dear Michael” letter. You have to assume she was. I did like the cat nanny cam. Oscar had a great line in his interview after witnessing Angela cough up that hairball. I guess the best line was the very end when Michael used his mneumonic device to remember fat Tony’s name. That one was pretty good.
30 Rock: Best show of the year. Hands down. I laughed a lot. The only part that I could have done without is Jenna showing up to do her Mike MacDonald song. Can you tell I don’t like her? Everything was funny. Everything! There’s no point in even hitting highlights or lines because there are too many. Too many! Okay, okay… my absolute favorite part was Jack torturing the priest in confession. That was awesome.
Friday Night Lights: I already do not like the direction the Street arc is taking. Looks like they are going to pile it on this guy and he’ll have the sad ending to Smash’s happy one. Meanwhile, the hits keep coming for Saracen. Lost his starting job now and so I find myself hoping the little freshman gets leveled so he’s QB1 again. I’m with Tammy, I see Tyra going back down a bad path with the cowboy, but next week’s teaser makes it seem she’ll get a wakeup call soon.
Dollhouse: Okay, I am cautiously optimistic. The show had a weird, slow start and then got rolling a bit. It does seem pretty formulaic so far though. I get that that might be the case, but the so-called mythology setup so far is lacking. Should they have kept the FBI investigation out of the pilot? I think so. Get us going on the Dollhouse itself before introducing external stuff. Gonna keep watching though.
I did watch Burn Notice again this week and it was good, but as I said last time, not really one to write about.
This post has 6 comments (now closed):
Sun :: 15 :: Feb :: 2009 :: 03.40 pm
Here’s my weekly thoughts:
Scrubs – Both eps were very good and I agree with you on the dude-chick Jo being a winner. Also, that weird, nerd, geek cracks me up. He’s got even less of a chin then Jack McBrayer (which I never thought possible) and he’s a walking sight gag. The oh-woe is me, 90’s Joe D. voice, just seals the deal.
The Office – This was the yang to last week’s yin. Just not as funny. Oh well, they can’t all be gold.
30 Rock – Funny but I thought last week’s was funnier – between the “supergay” Generalissimo and Tracy hanging with the displaced Wall Street douchebags, I was rolling (especially after he roofied himself and offered “you can do anything you want to me.” Although, Jack’s line this week “… and I may have sodomized our former Vice President” almost puts this one over the top.
FNL – I hate writing about this because I’ve seen them all. I’ll just say that most of the plots appear to be going one way and do a decent job of zagging when you expect a zig. By the end of the season, I was very satisfied on all fronts even if there are some major dark clouds looming. That’s all I’ll say.
Dollhouse – I like the premise but didn’t like the execution. Like you said, it feel very procedural. I’ll stick with it but I this just did not feel like classic Whedon. It really felt like something any anonymous showrunner could have created. Not much of a pulse. But, we’ll see where it goes.
Sun :: 15 :: Feb :: 2009 :: 03.56 pm
Was that why the blind girl blew off Kenneth? Because of his non-chin? She felt his and then felt her own and said no way. Was it a girl chin? Are they related? I didn’t get that.
The previous week was really good with Generalissimo. I liked this one a little better. I loved that line about the VP, “it was good to get that one out.”
My hope with Dollhouse is it hits its stride after a few episodes. We all know pilots generally suck. Hopefully it is just Whedon wiping off the dust.
Sun :: 15 :: Feb :: 2009 :: 05.57 pm
@Ed – Hey! 😉
Sun :: 15 :: Feb :: 2009 :: 07.51 pm
The problem I have with the whole “It’s just a pilot” argument is that this is his second pilot. Apparently the first one was deadly dull so the network let him shoot a second pilot. Not a good sign. I’ll give it the same amount of time I gave Bionic Woman (4 eps). I trustin Whedon but won’t blindly follow anyone.
Sun :: 15 :: Feb :: 2009 :: 07.52 pm
And Joe – I said ’90’s Joe Dolat’ – the 2000+ guy doesn’t have that monotone whine. : )
Mon :: 16 :: Feb :: 2009 :: 01.45 am
I will give Dollhouse my usual 3 episode tryout and see what happens after that. I didn’t know it was a full do-over on the pilot, I thought they did some recasting and shot a couple things over. That’s not good that we came out of this one with these feelings. Not good at all.