Beer wars movie
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This post has 4 comments (now closed):
Wed :: 18 :: Mar :: 2009 :: 07.56 am
Love Jim Koch sticking it to Bud, Miller and Coors.
Wed :: 18 :: Mar :: 2009 :: 11.01 pm
Mmmmmmmmmmmm Beer
Thu :: 19 :: Mar :: 2009 :: 03.08 pm
I still can’t believe that Bud, Miller and that crap sells as much as it does. After a person drinks a ‘real’ beer – how could you ever go back to that cheap p!$$ in a bottle?
(and this is coming from a person who hated beer at one point, because I thought it ALL tasted like that crap – was I wrong)
But I guess there will always be consumers for that stuff tho'(Remember the time in Mansfield we offered my dad a “Sam” – and he said, “Aw, keep the good stuff for a special occasion…” 😉 )
Thu :: 19 :: Mar :: 2009 :: 03.17 pm
@Joe: I’d say half is ignorance and half is cost. Good beer costs more and you can’t power down a 12 pack every night after work and not go broke quickly. Of course you could argue that because it is so low quality that you have to drink 12 to get a good buzz on…