July 2009
This is a list of posts published in July 2009.
Bombed in
If I were drinking more this evening, that would be even more true, but I am only cracking open my third now. UFO White if you are wondering.
Anyway, the title is pretty easy to figure out… or actually, not. You see, I am bombing this one in last minute so that the month doesn’t go by without something being published in this space. This is much the same as what happened last July. In fact, much of what I was going to write was the same kind of crap I wrote last year. I just don’t have time before midnight to do it. Nor do I really have the desire right now. In fact, I haven’t all month. (As you can see.)
My idea in the previous post was to do half-year reviews and such this month. Well, work and… um, well, work got in the way for most of the month. I thought that being on vacation this week might help motivate me but I really pissed away the week doing almost nothing. I made a poor choice about when to spend time down the Cape and the weather... Continue reading »