
Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular

I was able to check out the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular down at the Roger Williams Park Zoo on Sunday. Sure, it was the day after Halloween, but when better to beat the crowds? By all accounts, it must get real crowded prior to the holiday and I encourage you to check it out next year.

That said, I documented the experience for my fellow pumpkin-lovers to enjoy from the warm confines of their home internets. Did I mention it got pretty chilly that night? Just about anything here kicked the crap out of the one I carved this year, but then, I wouldn’t pay to see a bunch of my crappy carvings.

Best viewed in full-screen slide show after the break (i.e. click the link).

(View the slide show in full-screen by clicking that button in the bottom right of the player after clicking play. Your Esc key exits full-screen.)

[tylr-slidr userID=”56813106@N00″ groupID=””]http://www.flickr.com/photos/0b1/sets/72157622729616052/[/tylr-slidr]

The set it also viewable in regular htmls over on the flickrs. Enjoy?