March 2012
This is a list of posts published in March 2012.
Year in consumables: 2010 games
And you, future OB1, went crazy as past OB1, writing lists on this day.
Unfortunately, there is no summer 2010 post to fall back on for a games post, so this is straight thoughtworks. Why couldn’t past, past OB1 have written a half year post on games instead of wasting his time on movies. That would have been more useful right now since past OB1 didn’t want to write about movies anymore. (Because they mostly all suck.)
Good thing your Xbox Live achievements will help guide you in making out this list, although you maybe played a PS3 game or two. Maybe. We’ll have to see, but doubtful it would make a ranking list. Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2010 music
But, you are saying to yourself the year is 2012 when this was posted, so what the deuce? (Yes, you, that one person reading this… which is the same person that wrote it, but several years in the future reading it.) Well, to say you were lazy about writing anything for a long time would be an understatement. Good for you that you were bored doing laundry one day and decided to crank out a couple lists. Because you like lists. Lists make you feel better.
So, here is a list for 2010 and the one for 2011 will soon follow. So look for that in 2014. Or so.
Good thing you half wrote this list in the summer of 2010 or you’d really be starting from nowhere. Continue reading »