Posts about comic books, geeks, fanboys, superheroes, comic characters, etc.
Superman Returns
I am having a hard time deciding how I want to write this up, so I’m just going to start writing and see what happens. I have stated before that I don’t care if I spoil things without warning or not in my reviews, but I actually gave it a thought while watching Superman Returns. On one hand, I want to throw out what I thought about everything, but that means spoilers. On the other, I want to preserve the experience for anyone who has not yet seen the film.
Okay, after writing that first, it seems obvious what I have to do… spoil everything, but I’ll at least warn you. Yeah, I think you are down with that and I’ll try to keep the spoilage towards the end so that you aren’t just reading this fluff at the top.
Whoa, wait… speaking of fluff — allow me a quick tangent — I found a number of interesting Superman posters while googling for the ... Continue reading »
News about the Watchmen film adaptation in this week’s Entertainment Weekly:
The on-again, off-again film version of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ classic comic is on again, with director Zack Snyder, who’s got one graphic-novel adaptation — the just-wrapped 300 — under his belt.
I’m sure if they ever get it made, Moore won’t want his name attached. At least I already own the GN, so I can read this one ahead of time.
I should maybe read 300 since it’s yet another Frank Miller GN…
Blog Days of Summer
I can tell by the way the past two weeks have gone that it is going to be tough to post on a regular basis. Actually, maybe I just need to redefine what a regular basis is going to be for the Summer.
Yeah, that’s what needs to happen, so based on how it has gone since it *officially* turned Summer, we’ll go with the one post a week schedule. I think it’s a thing going around, you know? Ed and Jason seem to have it too and those Scoobs have it year ’round. Of course, there could be Asides added at any time in between, but not much has really caught my eye as of late, although I did just post one about being Pearl Jammed.
You’d think I had all kinds of stuff going on since it was so nice out and all that, but the... Continue reading »
V for Vendetta
It might seem like I am following the Joe model on Scooby Speak; blowing my load of content all at once and taking a rest instead of pacing myself with a steady stream. That’s not the case. I am in fact trying to make up for a couple weeks earlier in May when I didn’t post much of anything. Unfortunately, I am doing so with content that is basically stale before it hits the blogosphere since these movies are long gone from the local plex.
At least with V for Vendetta, I have good reason to have not posted earlier on it. After taking in the movie, I decided I wanted to read the graphic novel so that I might understand why Alan Moore wanted his name removed from the movie, per his usual M.O. So, it took me a while to finally remember to pick up the GN and then about a week to finally get thru it, not that the reading was slow mind you. Anyway, ... Continue reading »
X-Men: The Last Stand
There’s a lenghty conversation slash commentation going on over at Scooby Speak about the third film in the X-Men series. I dropped a comment there, but I wanted to expound more over here for a few reasons: I haven’t posted something in a few days, I want to drop spoilers and I’m going to try my hand at this review thing.
Of course, I can’t write a review for crap because I’m not ed-u-ma-cated enough to do that kind of thing. Nah, I think I’ll leave that to the experts like Ed and Jason (even though he still claims he’s not writing reviews and is no expert… feh).... Continue reading »
DC MMO Announced
Although, I thought it was MMORPG, but since I have never played one, I guess I have no idea. I may play this one though since Jim Lee is attached to it. Marvel already has one in the works for the Xbox 360, so I am more inclined to play that over a DC game. Both would be cool if you could play with the few PC gamers left too.
Sam and Max
They’re back! Steve Purcell is once again drawing a Sam & Max comic, but now it is distributed on the web and interactive… sort of. Hold your cursor over each panel for the wonderful words. Started off on a bi-weekly schedule, but now looks monthly.
The comic is sponsored by the company making a new game featuring the infamous dog and rabbit duo. Don’t be too distracted by the large Bone ads.