Posts about film, cinema, movies or flix. These aren’t reviews. (Okay, maybe a little bit.)
Beer wars movie
Courtesy of Juice:
Violence, sex, superheroes and a tricky d!ck. I knew to expect all of those things going into this film based on the epic mini-series turned graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. I knew that director Zack Snyder was going to play it very faithful to the original work except for a change to the ending.
I knew all of this going in, but I still left the theater blown away.
Before I continue further, I am not really concerned about spoilers, but I won’t give away any twists either. I will talk about the end, but in fairly general terms. Just beware I guess.
Now, I haven’t read — but should read — Frank Miller’s graphic novel 300 upon which Zack Snyder’s previous film of the same name — duh, you probably heard of it — was based. I had heard that that film was also faithful, almost to a fault. (Or was that Sin... Continue reading »
Flixd: two
Not a lot to do as an intro here because I just posted a good one earlier this week. You should check that out if you missed it.
Okay, you are either back or just interested in this post, so here are the flicks I watched in February:
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
I thought I heard this movie didn’t have a lot of nudity in it, but I guess that was just from the leads because there was a lot of it and even more over-the-top vulgar humor than you might expect from Kevin Smith. Elizabeth Banks, Seth Rogan and Craig Robinson were all great though. Just watch out for full frontal Jason Mewes at the end of the movie; I didn’t need to see that. Continue reading »
Flixd: one
I think I have dropped notice here or there that I planned on doing something with all this movie watching activity. Well, this is it and I am going to keep it super simple. The name of the flick, a rating and a sentence or three about it. That’s it. No review, but maybe a recommendation. The rating should handle that, no?
So, I figure I will do this monthly or maybe every two months depending on how many movies I get thru at a time. Television is coming back off repeats so I expect the March activity to slow down a bit, plus I may actually start playing a video game again once and a while. I have enough now to do two for the first two months of this year.
As a bonus though, I am throwing in some of the movies I streamed with Netflix to the Xbox 360. This ability was released in November and it is pretty much going to be the future once the streaming HD gets better. Oh, and the amount of selections in the library. I actually trimmed this list slightly because some of it was mindless garbage you might watch... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2008 movies
I am still ahead of the curve from last year, so I don’t feel too badly about delaying this post a couple weeks from when I thought I’d get it out. It was my intention to watch a handful more movies released in 2008 to see if they’d make my top five for the year. I watched them, but they won’t make the list.
Also, I realized that I should do this list like I do the others, movies that I consumed during that year and not necessarily released. I’m still not sure about that as a criteria or not because as I Netflix stuff it can be pretty old — if you count 2-3 years ago as old — and may seem out of place. That said, I am going to start doing something like Ed’s Netflix Notes starting this year. That can cover anything I don’t... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2007 movies
Even though I made a great headstart on this series for 2007 (see music post), I fell off the pace and I am now behind my awful showing last year. So, I figured on this dreary, rainy Saturday night, I would blast this one out and then… go watch a movie.
So, unlike last year, I watched a good amount of Netflix movies too. (Just prior to last year’s post I was inspired to reactivate my long dormant membership.) Now, I have a tough decision to make… do I include those here? Obviously I am going to speak to the movies released in the theaters during the year, but what about those I missed there and caught on Netflix instead? I think I will include those, but of course, only those I have seen so far. I won’t come back here and update as I do so.
Wait… this is supposed to be a top 5 list… argh. Well, here’s... Continue reading »
Creativity on strike
As you no doubt know by now, the folks responsible for the somewhat fine writing on television and film went on strike yesterday. Now we can wait for an inundation of reality TV to fill in throughout the strike once the nets no longer have any first run shows left and need a non-rerun ratings grab.
To me, there’s a positive and a negative here. The positive is I am hoping that the flood of reality shows kills the genre. I am hoping that once America is supersaturated with this crap, they will turn their backs on it. Yeah, I’m probably hoping for too much…
The negative is this may adversely impact the few shows I still watch. (I’ll have a post about this soon.) The biggest being my favorite show Scrubs. As noted in an E! Online News story about the strike, this already shortened season show (and still not filmed in HD!!!) is eight episodes short in completion. Should the strike drag on too this series may not get the ... Continue reading »
What a weekend!
(Now, what a week too!)
I started writing this post on Monday night, but I got sidetracked by one of the topics, which I will get to in a minute. Funny thing about the post was everything (five things) revolves around the word shock, hence the title shocking. I find it even funnier that an event happened on Tuesday to add a sixth, so the word of the month is now shocking. Anyway, I’m trimming some of the fat since I have more to add on…
I was going to talk further about the Pat’s spying scandal because some of the other information that came out during the weekend (losing draft pick(s)?!, leak of tape, even more penalties if Belichick doesn’t turn over all data), but there is just too much and I am just too sick of it all. Now, don’t we have the Mangenius being accused of something by the Ravens? Oh, and can we stop referring to every scandal as a “Gate”? It was just Watergate. Let it go already! Anyway, I’ll just leave this one as disappointing on many angles, but particularly because it tarnishes,... Continue reading »
Tue :: 19 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 11.12 pm
Commentary, Film, Web
Apple, Blu-ray, HD DVD, iTunes, Metal Gear Solid, Netflix, Playstation 3, PS3, Sony, Toshiba
now closed
Blu-ray wins
So, did everyone that doesn’t own a HD DVD or Blu-ray player yawn like I did?
Toshiba blinked and conceded defeat in the HD optical disc format war today. This wasn’t that big a surprise I guess, although, it still shows that Sony has some weight left to throw around. That said, Sony just ended up on the winning side this time. After all, they lost on Betamax, DAT and MiniDisc. Wow, that’s three failed formats before producing another winner.
Okay, okay… they partnered with Phillips to produce the CD in there somewhere, but those same partners did lose out to Toshiba and others on the DVD front. I guess they turned the tables this time, but failed to avoid the format war that DVD did.
Yeah, shocking… I actually did a little wikipedia research for this one. I thought they were also the Laserdisc losers, but no, they didn’t invent that one either. Glad I checked my facts. I don’t want to be an interwebs fool.
Too late!
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