Posts about film, cinema, movies or flix. These aren’t reviews. (Okay, maybe a little bit.)
Red ringed
Well, it finally got me. I am now a victim of the so-called Red Ring of Death.
Of course, this has already happened to both Ed and Jason, so it is not exactly new, just new to me. Kind of funny that it would happen just after I posted about going over 10k with my gamerscore and so did my Xbox. Of course, one wonders how it continues to post blog entries.
Perhaps it is when I can get it to run for a about a minute before it freezes. You see, after getting the ring, it hasn’t happened again, but it will freeze almost exactly a minute after booting up. I have tried the suggestions on support page for both issues with no joy. I am going to have to finally contact Microsoft about this as my hopes that... Continue reading »
Three se7ens
Not sure why I feel compelled to post something today. I mean, it is cool that today is 07.07.07 and all, but does that mean I need to acknowledge that with a post?
This is a post, so I guess so, but how to acknowledge it exactly? I mean, I can’t just post this and be on my way, can I?
I suppose I could, but I did have one little idea. I thought, maybe since there are three sevens, I’d do three lists of seven. And, since it is Summer, maybe have one list be of things I have enjoyed so far, another of things I have not and finally, the third of things I am looking forward to over the rest of the Summer.
Yeah, that works and it gives me a chance to fill in some blanks since I haven’t posted much lately. Of course, it hasn’t been officially Summer for but three weeks, but we all know we started thinking it was way earlier than what the solstice tells us, right?
Anyway, here goes nothing:
Seven up
- Transformers Yup, just saw it today and I’m leading off with it. Even if you are not a fan, of them or Michael B... Continue reading »
So, I just wanted to post a little quick hit about not much of anything. Feel free to read anything about nothing.
Let me start with last weekend’s Sox and Yankees series at Fenway… our Sox dropped two of three to the Limping Empire. In case you missed it, that means they have dropped four of the last six, even before Roger rockets in to save their season. True enough, the Bombers — hey… Bombers and a Rocket… never mind — were still twelve and a half out at the end of that, but it has to have boosted their morale, yeah? The good news is we are still up on them seven to five for the season and we won’t meet again until August. Tough for them to make up ground on us if we aren’t playing against one another (and we don’t tank).
Anyway, dropping the first two to a decent Oaktown team — Haren? Yes. DiNardo? Really? — doesn’t have me brimming with confidence. I guess it is just losing the last three in a row is tough to take. Wonder if they’ve done that this year (I’m not checking)?
Speaking... Continue reading »
Three hundred
This is going to be short and sweet because I am so late to the party with it. I have wanted to post on it for a while, ever since seeing it and then reading Jason and Ed’s posts on it, but other things got in the way. I think I’ll be ahead of the curve for the DVD release though, yeah?
I found the premise of writing a graphic novel about this event in history to be quite novel. I mean, how exactly did Frank Miller get about doing this as a project? This is a guy better known to the masses for Sin City, Robocop, Batman (comics) and Tank Girl (heh… well, the original work was better than the flick. Oh where have you gone Lori Petty?). I’m sure I could do some research on the web for this, but I’m a lazy blogger today and like I said, short and sweet.
And, again, being lazy (and potentially dumb to do so), I’m going to go off what I remember as th... Continue reading »
As you may have begun to notice, I get my entertainment news in two forms, my copy of Entertainment Weekly and an E! Online portlet/gadget/widget on my Google page.
Anyway, E! Online is providing me with news of a Magneto solo flick spin-off from the X-Men movies. Set to be an origin piece, this is the way to go for sure. Heck, McKellen might pass on by the time they make it… (that’s not very nice). The Magneto origin is a good one to appeal to a wide audience and exploring his early relationship with Xavier is something that I have always found interesting in the books.
I’m more interested in seeing this spin-off than the Wolverine one.
ATHF: Movie film for DVD
I had a good chuckle reading this week’s Entertainment Weekly. They had the stats for last week’s film box office takes and the ATHF flick only managed $3 mil. Well, what was [adultswim] expecting? This should have been straight to DVD. I heard nothing but bad buzz for it beforehand, Mooninite Massacre aside (although I guess you can count that as bad too), and somehow the reviews were mixed?
Okay, I say that having read two… EW giving it a B- and Ty Burr giving it one star in the Boston Globe. Burr may go a little heavy on the stoner vibe — probably more a point for Swim’s latest crap than ATHF — but he has a point. No one outside of regular viewers were ever going to see this in theaters, so why didn’t they just go straight to DVD? I guess they probably got the $3 mil for free as those same goers will opt for the DVD as well, but still… I don’t want to wait (if it turns out to be good).
Oh… and no, I’m not playing along with their joke with my title…
Year in consumables: 2006 movies
Continuing my late entry into the traditional year-end slash year-in-review lists, I present my list of flicks for 2006.
If you are interested in my list of music, then click that link and I promise my list of games will be out later this week. If I don’t have it done by the end of February, then why bother?
Whether it be in the theater or on DVD, I hardly took in any movies this past year. To that end, I actually reopened my Netflix account two weeks ago, but that doesn’t help this list. I think I am going to start logging movies I have flixed as such on the blog because it might be interesting to track how many I actually take in over the course of a year… well, interesting to me anyway.
I’m going to give you a top five, but that’s not saying much since I probably only... Continue reading »
Downey Jr. to Play Stark
It was announced last week that Robert Downey Jr. will play the role of billionaire and genius inventor Tony Stark in the upcoming Iron Man film. For those that don’t know, that will also mean he’d be wearing the Iron Man suit as well, but you have to assume that will rarely happen in this age of CGI.
I actually like this choice as Downey Jr. can actually channel his inner addict for the role. In the comics, Stark is an alcoholic and has trouble staying off the sauce. In fact, many times getting sauced up helps him get the job done.
Falling Away With You
Wouldn’t you say it is rather ironic that while I was writing my Summer wrap-ups last week it was feeling like Autumn and as I write my Autumn preview this week it has felt like Summer? I guess that’s how we roll here in New England.
Has the wacky weather been a contributing factor in the huge downturn in readers over the past few weeks here at OB1og as well? Certainly can’t be because I haven’t been posting like Ed or Jason. Of course, Ed isn’t posting for a good reason and then there is Jason not posting for a secret... Continue reading »