
Posts about film, cinema, movies or flix. These aren’t reviews. (Okay, maybe a little bit.)

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta movie poster

It might seem like I am following the Joe model on Scooby Speak; blowing my load of content all at once and taking a rest instead of pacing myself with a steady stream. That’s not the case. I am in fact trying to make up for a couple weeks earlier in May when I didn’t post much of anything. Unfortunately, I am doing so with content that is basically stale before it hits the blogosphere since these movies are long gone from the local plex.

At least with V for Vendetta, I have good reason to have not posted earlier on it. After taking in the movie, I decided I wanted to read the graphic novel so that I might understand why Alan Moore wanted his name removed from the movie, per his usual M.O. So, it took me a while to finally remember to pick up the GN and then about a week to finally get thru it, not that the reading was slow mind you. Anyway, ... Continue reading »

Mission:Impossible III

not a M:i:3 poster

A few things come to mind as I start to write this one:

  1. I am going backwards with my reviews, but I figured for completeness sake, I’d do it that way since the other one I am going to write about is V for Vendetta.
  2. Ed is starting to get me in the habit of posting pictures with my posts. I hate the two posters out there because one has too much Tom Cruise and the other has his name too big, plus it’s just a wee bit ugly. However, I decided I needed a picture! Found this one that someone did up as a wallpaper. Works better.
  3. I need to come up with some kind of format for my reviews, observations, thoughts or whatever I want to call them. Maybe I ought to tell you how I felt about it right up front and then get to the meat because I am always going to have spoilers. I’m not here to write up some fancy review that is going to dance around plot details in an effort to tell you what I think without telling you exact... Continue reading »

X-Men: The Last Stand

X-Men: The Last Stand posterThere’s a lenghty conversation slash commentation going on over at Scooby Speak about the third film in the X-Men series. I dropped a comment there, but I wanted to expound more over here for a few reasons: I haven’t posted something in a few days, I want to drop spoilers and I’m going to try my hand at this review thing.

Of course, I can’t write a review for crap because I’m not ed-u-ma-cated enough to do that kind of thing. Nah, I think I’ll leave that to the experts like Ed and Jason (even though he still claims he’s not writing reviews and is no expert… feh).... Continue reading »

Superman Returns Trailer

Superman Returns Teaser poster

If you haven’t seen the new trailer, do yourself a favor and watch it right now. Don’t worry, the crappy blog will still be here if you come back…

Gouge Me 1 More Time

Joe just alerted me to this item on As he says, “Looks like Lucas needs another influx of cash.” Great, now I have to buy the original Star Wars triology for the fourth time to get the versions I really want. I don’t know about the need for cash, but to say he didn’t change his mind is bull.