Posts about my time on this world. Sometimes personal, but not too personal…
Funny how sometimes you get two awesome titles for one post in your head and have to pick just one. It was a toss up between this and “Karma Police.” Both are linked to music, but this one is just way more ironical, so I went with it.
That said, this post is about justice, karma and the police.
It all started one bright, sunny Thursday morning… earlier this morning… or does it? After all, wasn’t I just railing against the MBTA Transit Police the other day for a “suspect” parking ticket?
Hmm… yes I was, and based on plain facts at the time, not so suspect. I mean, I was over the lines and I wouldn’t argue otherwise. I deserved the ticket, no matter what the circumstance, but it would’ve been nice to point out why I was over the lines. Well… here we go again…
So, I drove into work this morning because I was going to be driving up north after work to meet up with some friends from my old job. There’s... Continue reading »
Who’s watching Watchmen?
Okay, so I was close to the end of my current geek book, so before I left for work this morning, I remembered that I hadn’t finished reading Watchmen and knew that would be perfect new train fodder. I searched my house for 10 minutes looking for it after it wasn’t in my office, where it should have been. I gave up and left for work and had to suffer thru 1.5 train rides of staring at the odd people on the train. (I’m sure they don’t think that about me.)
I got home tonight and spent a further 15 minutes looking everywhere. Looking in the open, under furniture, in boxes, in the kitchen cabinets (and drawers) and nada. No Watchmen to be found.
I never lose anything. Ever.
So, the question is… did I lend it to someone? Anyone have it?
My other civic duty
I’m proud to vote for every major election and primary. Since I have been old enough to vote, I have voted in every one (including when away at school via absentee ballot) except this last Fall for governor. I couldn’t make it home from work in time because I was running late that morning! Luckily, Patrick had my vote and didn’t lose/tie by one. 😉
I voted tonight, did you?
A toy story
I have been a little behind on posting a link to this, but I was happy to do a “5 Questions with…” over on Poe Ghostal’s Points of Articulation.
That’s because I was helping him sell out by putting up ads within that snappy-ish blog I helped him build. It’s now an “ish” because it has been compromised by ads. I kid of course, but when you get over there, click some to make the guy some extra bones for his wedding.
It was fun to both build the site and do the interview, although it took a long time to answer. Brought back some good memories (outside of the petty theft). 🙂
Update: I should have added that Ed has his own “5 Questions with…” over on PGPoA too. He has now done a write up of his own on The Ed Zone which incorporates some thoughts on the topic and site as well as the text of the interview.
I’m sure this is a slap to the face or insult to you fine readers, but my New Year’s resolution is to be a better, more frequent blogger.
Heh… you can stop laughing now. I am kidding of course.
No, I won’t insult you with that one, but let’s just say it is something I’ll attempt to get back to (if anyone cares anymore). It’s going to go hand-in-hand with an attempt to stay in better touch with faraway friends via e-mail. My life isn’t so busy that I can’t accomplish both, so I don’t see why I have such a problem other than feeling said life is pretty lame to continuously report on.
Actually, this blog should really serve that purpose, no?
As a (possibly hollow) show of good faith, my next post will be my year end best-of music post. If you didn’t guess from the Coming Attractions post, the one entitled “Ear wax” was to be a round up of music, but I’m going to rename it... Continue reading »
My civic duty
Oooh… I just love it when I can use a Scrubs inspired title for a blog post.
So, today I fulfilled my civic duty by spending a day in the jury pool. I know… fun, right?
Actually, not that bad. It would seem that the folks at this particular courthouse get the fact that no one wants to be there. In fact, I think many are working on their amateur night stand-up routines. I won’t get into the specifics of their comedy, suffice to say that it wasn’t half bad. Heck, even two judges were part of the act!
The decades old orientation video even provided some unintentional comedy. Not quite like a Hanso Foundation film reel, but maybe as old. I’m guessing by the clothing and hairstyles that this thing was filmed during my high school years, so late eighties.
All kidding aside, I will say that the folks were all very nice, especially those two judges and the two court officers babysitting us. This seemed in sharp contrast to the procedural folks I remember from my last dip in the pool 11-12 years ago. As for the folks in the pool its... Continue reading »
What a weekend!
(Now, what a week too!)
I started writing this post on Monday night, but I got sidetracked by one of the topics, which I will get to in a minute. Funny thing about the post was everything (five things) revolves around the word shock, hence the title shocking. I find it even funnier that an event happened on Tuesday to add a sixth, so the word of the month is now shocking. Anyway, I’m trimming some of the fat since I have more to add on…
I was going to talk further about the Pat’s spying scandal because some of the other information that came out during the weekend (losing draft pick(s)?!, leak of tape, even more penalties if Belichick doesn’t turn over all data), but there is just too much and I am just too sick of it all. Now, don’t we have the Mangenius being accused of something by the Ravens? Oh, and can we stop referring to every scandal as a “Gate”? It was just Watergate. Let it go already! Anyway, I’ll just leave this one as disappointing on many angles, but particularly because it tarnishes,... Continue reading »
Feeling patriotic
I feel like I am an everyday patriot, but I am not sure what that really means.
I am mindful of our democracy and all that brings us. I am sorry for those everyday folks and heroes that lost their lives six years ago. I am sorry for the families left behind.
I appreciate our troops for serving our country and putting themselves in harm’s way. I am sorry that I don’t agree with the cause that is costing some of them their lives. I am sorry that I will not go into detail on why I don’t agree.
I am not a political person and I don’t want to play one on these interwebs. In fact, I started rambling on about it not being worth saving a buck on gasoline and why does W feel the need to make up for his daddy’s mistake? Yeah, I started down that path and I just deleted it out of here.
It doesn’t matter.
What does matter is that I remember what happened six years ago.
I remember almost everything about that day and how I felt. The initial shock of hearing what happened just as I got into work in Boston after getting... Continue reading »
Sweeping out another month here. I started off stronger this month, but again, fell off with the posting. This was going to be a Sox-centric post, but let’s get some catching up out the way first since it has been two weeks since my last post.
Well, over those last two weeks, I have had to do a good amount of writing at work, so that saps my will to write here. While I don’t mind the occasional need to write a piece of technical documentation, mostly because I’m good at it, I must give kudos to the full-time technical writers out there. I don’t know how you don’t just drink yourselves into oblivion in preparation for work each day. Oh, wait… you probably do.
Anyway, today I had to update my appraisal/review form with my six month results towards my objectives. That’s fun. Especially since we’re really doing eighth month results… and, why am I writing this myself again? I’m sorry, but if I am a manager, there’s no way I have my folks doing this themselves. It is time better spent on their job and something... Continue reading »
Tue :: 04 :: Mar :: 2008 :: 08.45 pm
Commentary, Life
Machinama, MBTA, Red Sox, Red v Blue, Sheila, Toyota Tundra
5 times
Triple priced
So, the MBTA Transit Police charged Sheila $15 for taking up two parking spaces today.
Lemme do the math here… if it costs $5 for a spot for the day, and two are taken, that’s $10 and not $20, right?
I was over the lines in my spot because the truck next to me was over his lines, go figure. I’m sure they saw that. Not. I hope that guy got a ticket too. He was gone before I got back tonight. Anyway, this markup is sorta crap. At worst, I cost the MBTA five dollars in lost revenue today. It’s not like I was in a metered, handicap or fire lane spot, I was over the lines. I know, I’m complaining, really, over ten bucks. I don’t actually care, but I’m in a ranting mood, so what the heck.
Oh, who’s Sheila you ask? Well, obviously that’s the name of my truck. Yeah, I named her Sheila, despite the slightly disturbing thought that it puts in my head about a pizza delivery ape… he of the gold-digging-ex-wife-named-Sheila fame. The only woman who’d ever think a pizza delivery ape — honestly, a term of... Continue reading »