Posts about my time on this world. Sometimes personal, but not too personal…
Another one
Well, I only had one taker again this year and it was the same person as last year. So, I went ahead and put in the same donation as last year as well.
I don’t know if I can blame this on a short notice with my posting or the fact that no one seems to be reading the OB1og much these days. I’m sure this is my fault for being lazy over the Summer and I suppose also because when I do write, it isn’t of much interest to more than a few people. I’m fine with that by the way.
I’ll be optimistic and say I’ll get three people next year!
Another Jimmy Fund challenge
You might recall that last year I issued My Jimmy Fund Challenge. Well, that challenge was met by one person and I am hoping that if I issue it again this year, I can get two people to step up to the plate. Same rules/guidelines apply as last year (click that first link).
This year’s event spans two days (at least on TV and the radio):
- Thursday, August 16: 10a to 6p
- Friday, August 17: 6a to midnight
So, extra time for you to make your donation. Might I suggest you hit up their site on the interwebs. It is quick and easy and secure.
I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂
Three se7ens
Not sure why I feel compelled to post something today. I mean, it is cool that today is 07.07.07 and all, but does that mean I need to acknowledge that with a post?
This is a post, so I guess so, but how to acknowledge it exactly? I mean, I can’t just post this and be on my way, can I?
I suppose I could, but I did have one little idea. I thought, maybe since there are three sevens, I’d do three lists of seven. And, since it is Summer, maybe have one list be of things I have enjoyed so far, another of things I have not and finally, the third of things I am looking forward to over the rest of the Summer.
Yeah, that works and it gives me a chance to fill in some blanks since I haven’t posted much lately. Of course, it hasn’t been officially Summer for but three weeks, but we all know we started thinking it was way earlier than what the solstice tells us, right?
Anyway, here goes nothing:
Seven up
- Transformers Yup, just saw it today and I’m leading off with it. Even if you are not a fan, of them or Michael B... Continue reading »
You know, I finish building a Biggerboat and think I can spend some time on my blog for a while, but then a game like Crackdown gets my dollars and that idea goes straight out the window. I swear, I can’t really multi-task at home anymore, work has sucked all that out of me.
At most, I get to do two things when I get home during the week: eat (always) and watch TV or play Xbox 360. Weekends are a little different, but again, I have a hard time doing more than a couple things on a given weekend day lately. I don’t really know why other than think it has something to do with addiction. I feel like I get on little stretches of being addicted to a certain activity and that causes me to neglect all kinds of other things. This is no way for an adult to live… I think.
I suppose that’s a larger subject than what this post is all about, and it is all about Crackdown.
I have had the game for a little under a week and I am totally addicted.... Continue reading »
Today is the one year anniversary of this little here blog.
Yup, one year ago I posted Walk This World to announce my presence to the interwebs.
Have I progressed as a blogger? Probably not.
Have I grown as a person? Most assuredly; both in the literal and figurative sense of the word.
I wasn’t sure what my goal was when I started up my own blog, but I figured I’d get there eventually. I recently wrote about my Blog Identity. Not sure I have done a good job staying on that path so far, but I will get better. I think I just said that in the last post too, but I believe it to be true.
Work has had me busy over the last month, so I haven’t had much desire to sit in front of the computer when I do get home. Nope,... Continue reading »
Ignoring it is bliss
Oh little blog, how I have ignored you these past couple weeks… and boy has it been great. Not feeling pressured to write a damn thing to bore the masses with endless drivel, just like this post.
Are you bored yet?
Don’t worry, you’ll get there. I already am, but reflect on the fact that blogging is now 10 years old. Consider how many boring blog posts have been posted over that time! See my latest aside for more.
Of course, there are numerous reasons I haven’t blogged lately, the first being the continued drama of being a fantasy baseball league commissioner, especially when said league includes a Mookie. I have spent many a late night over the past week tending to my little baseball league that barely can. However, light is at the end of the tunnel now, so time is freed up to blog a bit.
So, continuing to riff on the baseball, and real quick mind you as many of you care less, I just want to point out a couple things. One,... Continue reading »
Under the Bridge
Okay, so really, it is above the bridge, or in front of it, but you get the picture… er, I mean the point. I figured I started with a RHCP tune for a title, so I might as well end with one, even if I don’t really like this one that much.
Anyhoo, I have finally completed posting the rest of my *good* photos from the San Francisco area trip. I could add more in the future, but I really need to plow thru the rest and determine if any gems were missed or, if I can make any more into gems via Photoshop.
I added photos to two sets I created last time out and describe in my previous post. The photos I took during my last two nights by the bridge were added to the Golden... Continue reading »
Fake Tales of San Francisco
I posted more photos — do yourself a favor and look at larger sizes when on Flickr — from my trip to California tonight. As mentioned in my previous post about the trip, I hit Big Sur for the first day. These were all taken on my second full day there, which was Sunday 10/22.
I arrived by noon PDT on Friday 10/22, but I felt so sick after my flight — stomach and headache or migraine that caused me to feel nauseous, it was all bad — I headed straight for my hotel and crashed for a couple hours. I only got two hours sleep the night before and maybe two more bad hours on the flight. By the time I woke up, I was pretty worthless... Continue reading »
Happy Halloween
Nothing like posting a Happy Halloween post about an hour before the day is over, but that’s just the way it goes sometimes. If I wasn’t a major sleepaholic or I was a major slacker at work, I could have either gotten up earlier this morning and posted or posted while at work, but since I am and I am not, you get this now.
Makes perfect sense, right? You better read that again…
Anyway, I wanted to post a photo of my Halloween costume this year because I was so happy to have had one in a while. Okay, so that is a lie. You can see my last one from 2003, which is or isn’t a while, over on Ed’s blog (he was Tom Hanks from Castaway again, which is still a kick ass costume three years later). I don’t know if I can consider me as Affleck a costume since he seems indicate I dressed as... Continue reading »
The first photo set from my recent trip to California is up. It chronicles a little too long trip down Highway 1 thru the Big Sur area. I had done this trip as a kid in a Crown Vic rental car loaded up with three adults and three kids and still had fond memories. Noelle and I didn’t make it past Monterey when we were out two years ago, so it was number one on my priority list for this time.
After seeing a lot of good stuff in the beginning, I went too far down and should have turned around earlier, but I kept thinking I’d eventually see something worthwhile, besides I had nothing else to do after a certain point in time. I think that is called the point-of-no-return. Anyway, I got elephant seals sleeping... Continue reading »