Year in consumables: 2009 games
Here, finally, is the first post in my year-end wrap-up series that I call Year in Consumables. People like making lists and reading lists, particularly if you are a little OCD. Which I am.
I just pulled up my first post in the series from last year and it happened to be the Games one as well, so let’s just stick with the same order from last year: Games, Movies, Music. That might be a little OCD too.
I am going to have to break somewhat from history in that I am only going to rank five games this year. Mostly because I didn’t really play much. Well, much depending on your point of view. I do find it funny that on last years post I mention having not yet played Fallout 3 or Tomb Raider: Underworld. I still haven’t. I still plan on it. Really.
I will not break on the premise that this list is comprised of what I played the past year. Not that it... Continue reading »
Lost but not forgotten
Or, really, what was once lost has now been found. I already had a post named Lost and Found from a previous year. And, I did forget that I am supposed to post links to my lengthy episode comments on The Ed Zone because I am not so much with the Telefizzled writing this year. So, since I remembered, here are links to the first three from this season:
For the game:
- Juliet (just pretend she’s not crushed under rubble; it is maybe her last hurrah)
- Kate. Obviously.
- Helen. Just kidding. Rose. Just kidding. Ilana. More like it.
Next week I will remember to post in a more timely fashion. Not that it matters. This is for me and not you.
Flixd: twelve
This post combines watching for November and December and I only watched five movies during that time. Well, it was really six, but one was Star Trek which I took in at the theater over the summer. I didn’t write anything about in-theater movies yet, but just so you know, I’d rate this one with five heads.
The format remains the same, which is the new format from last time, just a sentence per head. Continue reading »
Three four zero two four
That is my year-end Gamerscore for 2009. I thought I’d be able to add on at least 10k like past years, but not as many games seemed to drop or something. Either that or achievements are becoming more ridiculous or multiplayer driven. I also went about four months of the year without playing pretty much anything, so that’s a part and maybe two PS3 games I played.
Either way, an increase of 6570 isn’t anything to sneeze at either I guess. Hopefully I can do at least 10k in 2010. You know… it being ’10 and all.
As for my friend Mistah Plow, he was able to continue to pull away from me and scored an increase of 11775 for the year with his game reviews, but also with having another 360 go kaput on him. I wonder if he can keep up that pace now that he owns a PS3 in addition to a Wii. Wii shall see…
Happy blue year
Well, I started the year with a sunset, so why not end the year with a moonrise. What? Yeah, I guess it kind of works out. (Unlike any of those resolutions.)
I was lucky enough to be driving over the NY border into CT as it was rising, so I stopped to take a few photos. “Lucky” because once I got back to Boston tonight it was overcast and you couldn’t see it at all.
Anyway, the point of this post is more or less just to point out that we are ending this decade with a Blue Moon and not just a Full Moon. I am prescribing this celestial event to have more meaning for us... Continue reading »
Flixd: ten
Don’t be afraid that I started the month off heavy in the chick flick department. I finished strong with lots of the testosterone fueled action flicks. Yeah, it was a weird month in the old queue. I bumped up lots of new releases so I could get them the first day and this was the result. Anyway, it was a decent month without any huge stinkers.
Here come the thoughts and heads with the new format proposed last month. One sentence per head. Let’s see how this works out. Continue reading »
I was able to check out the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular down at the Roger Williams Park Zoo on Sunday. Sure, it was the day after Halloween, but when better to beat the crowds? By all accounts, it must get real crowded prior to the holiday and I encourage you to check it out next year.
That said, I documented the experience for my fellow pumpkin-lovers to enjoy from the warm confines of their home internets. Did I mention it got pretty chilly that night? Just about anything here kicked the crap out of the one I carved this year, but then, I wouldn’t pay to see a bunch of my crappy carvings.
Best viewed in full-screen slide show after the break (i.e. click the link). Continue reading »
Flixd: nine
Lots of new releases in the list this month. I lined up Monday returns to score new releases for Tuesday. There are still some older flicks in here too as I am still in the middle of that. Those are almost all gone now though. I expect that I’ll be thru with that by November.
Thoughts and heads only. Oh, and I have an idea on linking the two for next time. What if I write one sentence per head? That could be an interesting exercise as I was a bit too wordy this month. Not overly wordy I don’t think though. You tell me. Continue reading »
Flixd: eight
There is no seven. Not so lucky now, are you July? For the most part, July saw the consumption of video games during my free time and no so much with any television or movies. Okay, maybe a few Sox games, but that’s about it. August swung back pretty much the other way. A whole lot of movies and not much gaming. Most of the movies are also old, which means they’ve been slowly bubbling up the queue and I just went with it. September has been about the same, but I will promise you now there are way more recent movies. Let’s get this late August post out there first, shall we?
As usual, thoughts and heads. This is a long list, so less thought and more heads. I don’t know what that means. Continue reading »
Flixd: six
I think I dropped a reference a couple posts ago that my watching in June wasn’t going to really interest anyone. That is probably false. It will interest exactly two of you. Maybe.
That said, let me state up front that if you have no interest in comic books or science fiction or animation in general, you can just skip this one and wait for my next Flixd post. That one will drop in early September and feature the regular flicks and chick flicks you have come to expect in this space.
As always, just thoughts and heads. Read on nerds.
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