Adult Swim
This is a list of posts tagged with Adult Swim.
ATHF: Laser Lenses
“Your mouth is writing checks your cup can’t cash.”
I think the worm has turned for the teens. This one was great until it fell down at the end when Carl’s cousin Terry shows up to give Frylock eye… well… let’s say, his eyes needed a bra. Just didn’t see the point to that part, but otherwise, very good.
Carl and Shake made this thing work. So, by my count, the season is now on a positive note…
ATHF: Robots Are Everywhere
Okay, now that’s what I’m talkin about!
As you may know, I was taken to task by random commenter Ben on my “Sirens” post. Well, the dude was right, the first episode — this episode — was great! If only I saw this first, at least the year would have started off well before having a few questionable episodes until “Hoppy Bunny” dropped.
Anyway, this one had elements of a Mooninite episode, so I suppose that’s why I enjoyed it so much… oh, and Carl being victimized of course. I suppose he may have gotten his revenge John Rambo style, but… “More! More! These are like vitamins to us.”
If you dig Rachel Dratch, which I do not in any way shape or form, then you dig this episode. Apparently her voice was somewhere in there… not that I’d really know it. I just know the face from 30 Rock appearances. (No, I d... Continue reading »
ATHF: Hoppy Bunny
Furries are funny. Especially when the unicorn gets all up on Frylock… oh, and when Meatwad then explains how Frylock should work his way up the furry chain… he can’t start off with the unicorn…
I don’t know though, while this one was probably the best of the four I have seen so far this season — recent commenter Ben points out I missed the first one — I am still not impressed. I think I peaked in season 4 and last season was probably half-and-half if I went back and tallied it up. I might still pick up the 5 DVD though.
I’ll finish the season out though. I’m going to give it a fair shot. Cue up a Mooninite episode and I am all over it. City of Boston? Not so much.
As for last thoughts on this particular episode, it was much improved, but ultimately, still a little too loose in connecting the dots. While this sometimes works well for the teens, it doesn’t always.
ATHF: Redickulous
Shake killing pets in the microwave. Carl using a device that, um… well, we won’t get into the stuff around Carl. It was enough that I don’t care to put the words here. Episode seemed like a mash-up. Two ideas smashed together. Badly. I really think I am done here. I’ll watch this week’s since it involves furries, and they are just so weird.
ATHF: Couple Skate
Sucked. Again.
Maybe Ed is right. This show is over.
The crypt keeper type dude is named Markula and the teens enlist Carl to come to their rescue in his cave somewhere. Apparently they won’t pay him the October rent because he won’t fix a gas leak in the house, so he has them hostage. Meanwhile, new tenant Paul, a giant monster, has trashed the house and stolen all the copper pipe to sell for a fix. Carl comes to Markula’s 4040 birthday and kills him with garlic champagne.
Now, does that sound funny? Okay, how about it Paul is angry because he’s going thru a divorce? No? How about that he squishes Carl’s head off at the end? No?
This week’s is named “Redickulous”, so… you know… yeah… I’m all about Frisky Dingo now anyway.
ATHF: Sirens
For whatever reason, this blog seems to get hit a lot by stoner college kidz sniffing out ATHF soundboards, clips and grabs. A few pics aside, I have just about none of that, but whatevs.
New episodes have started back up with this past Sunday’s “Sirens” featuring Carl. Now, I know I missed the last one or two of the last run and have yet to see the movie film for theaters or DVD, so maybe I don’t entirely know what is going on and maybe not, but — this is an excessively long sentence — I scratched my head more than I laughed. By far.
The only funny thing was John Kruk as a mythical siren and calling Carl an asshole after he convinced him to cut off his own nipples. I didn’t get the crypt keeper type dude, didn’t know where the teens were and found Carl to be… not funny. Also, Neko Case voiced another of the sirens, but I only knew that from the credits.
I’m either over this show or I need to get back up to speed. Either way, this one sucked and I don’t know that I’m looking forward to the... Continue reading »
ATHF: Movie film for DVD
I had a good chuckle reading this week’s Entertainment Weekly. They had the stats for last week’s film box office takes and the ATHF flick only managed $3 mil. Well, what was [adultswim] expecting? This should have been straight to DVD. I heard nothing but bad buzz for it beforehand, Mooninite Massacre aside (although I guess you can count that as bad too), and somehow the reviews were mixed?
Okay, I say that having read two… EW giving it a B- and Ty Burr giving it one star in the Boston Globe. Burr may go a little heavy on the stoner vibe — probably more a point for Swim’s latest crap than ATHF — but he has a point. No one outside of regular viewers were ever going to see this in theaters, so why didn’t they just go straight to DVD? I guess they probably got the $3 mil for free as those same goers will opt for the DVD as well, but still… I don’t want to wait (if it turns out to be good).
Oh… and no, I’m not playing along with their joke with my title…
Tellyman returns
Not really, no.
Well, not in so much a way as before?
Ah, who cares, it is just a post about some televisionic observations I have had of late (and maybe later…).
So, I was watching Heroes last night, which has been so very good the past three epsiodes, and NBC is running ads for their newest show sure to fail, Raines. Now, was the pitch for this show something along the lines of “let’s put Medium, Tru Calling and The Ghost Whisperer in the blender and sprinkle with a little bit of Monk… oh, and we’ll get Jeff Goldblum!” Really?
Anyone else watching The Black Donnelly’s? I feel compelled to watch, you know, as an Irishman… yeah. Well, if you are, do we really need Joey Ice Cream as a narrator? The sudden insertion of himself into a scene, with subsequent character reaction, is unnecessary and seems forced as a way to try and distinguish the storytelling as unique or different. The story being told does the job just fine… which is to say, mediocre at best. Not sure this one is going to fair much better than S... Continue reading »
Busy bomb squad
It would seem the Boston Bomb Squad is a little overzealous again in blowing up harmless objects. Of course, I don’t think this thing was flipping them off like a Mooninite…
Carl answers ur mobile
Our favorite ATHF next door neighbor could soon be answering your mobile or alerting you to an incoming call.
First, this sounds very cool from a technology perspective, but second, this is going to be friggin fun…