Adult Swim

This is a list of posts tagged with Adult Swim.

Mooninite massacre

Ignignokt and ErrToday Boston’s Finest, in conjunction with the Massachusetts State Police, set about the city destroying any Mooninite they could find.

Someone noticed Err or Ignignokt today after they had been in the wild for two weeks or so. Since this person had no concept of who or what they were, they cried bomb!

“Yes, surely it is a bomb! Look at him flipping me off like that!”

Now, I understand the concern for the public’s safety, but we aren’t talking about an abandoned suitcase or unassuming cardboard box on the street here. We are talking about little signs, magnetically attached to some structure. Okay, so maybe not such a good idea to affix them to bridges, but hey, if you get a good peep at it, doesn’t... Continue reading »

Mooninite mayhem

JPo spawned a little discussion over the upcoming ATHF movie and it reminded me that I had some other ATHF related stuff to post, but since I don’t seem to like blogging at the moment, I haven’t gotten around to doing…

Okay, it is more like the holidays and my rediscovery of my Xbox 360 over the holidays, but whatever. Maybe more on that later.

As JPo points out, there is a movie coming out in March and as Ed points out, it might be a stinker. There is a clip on the [adultswim] site to check out.

You can also check out the Mooninite Soundboard for some good Mooninite audio. I think some of this stuff is for the soundboard only as I definitely do not remember all these quotes/sayings from the episodes.

If you want to kill some time... Continue reading »

ATHF: Ezekiel

This one aired a few weeks ago, but I didn’t get around to posting it. They actually got two good ones in a row, with this one having followed Antenna. I wish I saved the episode in Media Center so that I could give you a screenshot, but Ezekiel is a child size version of Master Shake and is just too cute, to everyone but Shake and Carl.

Anyway, he shows up and you have to believe he is somehow Shake’s kid, which would suggest he actually got laid at some point in the past, which is hard to believe. The team takes him under their wing and later find out that, well… you’ll just have to watch it.

It is good and will be repeated soon according to their schedule. Set your Media Center or TiVo for it.

ATHF: Antenna

Master Shake on stage in Antenna

Hey, it’s all ATHF all the time here at OB1og.

Well, just because I haven’t posted in a while and it is easy to catch up on this fashizzle, so you have the two previous below and tonight’s here.

Check this one out. Not hilarious, but not bad either. I think they are going up and down on each one. Read what you want in to that.

ATHF: Bart Oats

Okay, this one clinches it. This season officially sucks.

A very Carl-centric episode and it just wasn’t funny at all. Seems like they were trying to riff on Carl as Scrooge and Bart Oats — I’m sure Giants’ fans get it — as the Ghost of Christmas Past.

The guys need to go back to doing the good drugs when they write this stuff.

At least Frisky Dingo is consistently funny, but then, it is new so those guys haven’t run out of ideas yet. I’m sure it will get there too…

ATHF: Moonajuana

I have to agree with Jen that this episode just wasn’t that good. I have to say that I always enjoy the Mooninite episodes the most and I was psyched when I saw this one coming up, but after a couple viewings, it just wasn’t that funny.

Ignignokt and Err rotating around, doing the usual 2-D play, was fun and so were some of their lines, but overall, not so much.

I’ll put this one in the medium goodness category. I think that puts the tally for the season so far at 2 good, 2 medium and the rest suck.

ATHF: Grim Reaper Gutters

Meatwad knitted something...

The very start of this one sucked with Meatwad and Master Shake reminiscing about stuff that didn’t really happen to them. Frylock finally shows up and shows them a clip of stuff he did to save their asses in the past and half I recognized and half I didn’t, so that must be new stuff in there for the purpose of proving the point, but some of it looked damned funny and why aren’t they making that?

Eventually, the lure Carl over with a Tera Patrick guest appearance and the Grim Reaper Gutter guy snuffs him out, which was damn funny.

Oh, wait, speaking of damn funny… the picture up there. That was damn funny. Can you tell what that is? No? Hmm…too bad you can’t watch this one on the web anymore.

Up this Sunday night, or right now on [], is “Moonajuana.” Go take a hit…

ATHF: Global Grilling

Meatwad getting eaten by a polar bear

Much better than the previous episode. I didn’t get the title until about halfway thru the episode, but it eventually makes sense. Shake and Meatwad start off making Mucus Men. Then we get an Alton Brown reference, a polar bear eating Meatwad and Carl back to his normal self…

Go and check it out on []. They run the current episode each week in their video section, so no YouTube required.

ATHF: Party All the Time

I had higher hopes after the first two episodes. This one felt like it was phoned in. Only two things were funny: Meatwad convincing Shake to eat a Scorpion and shove his hand into a bee’s nest and making up the sign that reads “Get Well Asshole.” Cancer is never funny and I didn’t see the point.

Hopefully tonight’s “Global Grilling” is better. Oh yeah, what happened to having funny intros?

Tellyman 10.4

Killface from Frisky Dingo

I had a brilliant post written for last week’s shows, but Firefox 2.0 just took a big dump on me and it is all gone. I didn’t save a draft in WordPress either; gone means totally gone. I was trying to load up and an episode of How I Met Your Mother so I could get a vidcap for the lead picture, but when it started loading their InnerTube — which came first, Inner or You? — page, it locked up because I was missing the RealPlayer plug-in. I tried IE first, but same issue except it wouldn’t set Windows Media Player as my preference there (it gave me a choice between the two). I hated RealPlayer before, which is why I didn’t have it installed, and now I doubly hate it. I’ll never install it again. Ever.

Of course, it is not like I just lost a term paper or novel or something like that. I didn’t even shout, snap a remote in half, smash a keyboard or punch a door. The post was mostly the same... Continue reading »