Originally, I was just going to post with a request that you vote, but I thought of that title and had to go with it.
I am not a political person in the least and I make it a habit not to comment about it too much here because it is so polarizing sometimes and yeah, I don’t have the energy for debate. That said, I have to say something now. I think this election is probably the most important since I have been of age to vote and I’d like to see that everyone gets their say.
My choice has nothing to do with your say either. As I said, I just want you to vote. If you are registered, you owe it to everyone in this country to vote in this election. I will even allow you to waste it on Nader or someone not named McCain or Obama. Just vote.
At the local level, let’s make sure we save the pups and don’t legalize it. That said, if McCain wins, can we vote again and legalize it? If he wins, I think I might prefer being in a haze. Either that or I... Continue reading »
Sun :: 02 :: Nov :: 2008 :: 07.29 pm
Alex Ross
4 times
Barack the vote
I am not a political person in the least and I make it a habit not to comment about it too much here because it is so polarizing sometimes and yeah, I don’t have the energy for debate. That said, I have to say something now. I think this election is probably the most important since I have been of age to vote and I’d like to see that everyone gets their say.
My choice has nothing to do with your say either. As I said, I just want you to vote. If you are registered, you owe it to everyone in this country to vote in this election. I will even allow you to waste it on Nader or someone not named McCain or Obama. Just vote.
At the local level, let’s make sure we save the pups and don’t legalize it. That said, if McCain wins, can we vote again and legalize it? If he wins, I think I might prefer being in a haze. Either that or I... Continue reading »