This is a list of posts tagged with Baseball.
Sweeping out another month here. I started off stronger this month, but again, fell off with the posting. This was going to be a Sox-centric post, but let’s get some catching up out the way first since it has been two weeks since my last post.
Well, over those last two weeks, I have had to do a good amount of writing at work, so that saps my will to write here. While I don’t mind the occasional need to write a piece of technical documentation, mostly because I’m good at it, I must give kudos to the full-time technical writers out there. I don’t know how you don’t just drink yourselves into oblivion in preparation for work each day. Oh, wait… you probably do.
Anyway, today I had to update my appraisal/review form with my six month results towards my objectives. That’s fun. Especially since we’re really doing eighth month results… and, why am I writing this myself again? I’m sorry, but if I am a manager, there’s no way I have my folks doing this themselves. It is time better spent on their job and something... Continue reading »
Clay pitcher
I had the pleasure of attending the first game of yesterday’s doubleheader to see Clay Buchholz make his major league debut. That makes two in two years as I got to see Jon Lester’s last year.
Unfortunately I missed the start of the game after just missing a Red Line train and then having some ticket pick-up issues. Joe joined me for the game after Ed had to bail on me due to some work mumbo-baloney. I told him instead of getting comp’d an extra day off, he needs to get comp’d some Sox or Pats tix. I think it was the third time we tried to hook up for a game with no joy. Oh wells.
Buchholz looked pretty good and pretty young. I mean like twelve years old young. Kid looks 140 pounds soaking wet if he’s lucky and has he started shaving yet? He’s so thin he could take Casey Fossum’s old nickname: The Blade. Anyway, he was helped out by the Sox offense having... Continue reading »
Check out the new photoset [slideshow] I posted on Flickr from the July 4th Red Sox game. I coincidentally ended up selecting 76 photos to post. I swear. It was serendipity yet again. First 33 for Varitek and now this.
Anyway, these were taken from the really good lower box seats that are owned by Noelle’s company. Ed couldn’t make the game so I was called in from the bullpen. He’d been begging to see a game from there for years and when it is finally his turn, he can’t take it. He’s likely to never see them now! 😉
Did you watch the HR Derby the other night? I didn’t and I guess I didn’t miss anything… Rios vs. Vlad for the final? Puh-leaze. They need to work... Continue reading »
Three se7ens
Not sure why I feel compelled to post something today. I mean, it is cool that today is 07.07.07 and all, but does that mean I need to acknowledge that with a post?
This is a post, so I guess so, but how to acknowledge it exactly? I mean, I can’t just post this and be on my way, can I?
I suppose I could, but I did have one little idea. I thought, maybe since there are three sevens, I’d do three lists of seven. And, since it is Summer, maybe have one list be of things I have enjoyed so far, another of things I have not and finally, the third of things I am looking forward to over the rest of the Summer.
Yeah, that works and it gives me a chance to fill in some blanks since I haven’t posted much lately. Of course, it hasn’t been officially Summer for but three weeks, but we all know we started thinking it was way earlier than what the solstice tells us, right?
Anyway, here goes nothing:
Seven up
- Transformers Yup, just saw it today and I’m leading off with it. Even if you are not a fan, of them or Michael B... Continue reading »
Forty-four more
I guess when it comes to posting new photosets, I am going in multiples of eleven lately.
I know that even though I have a list of posts to get out here, I haven’t and let’s be honest, it is not like anyone is complaining that I have been so lazy for the past month. I might get some up soon… or not. I guess I can depend on usually having some photos to throw out there when my writing muscle is atrophying…
So, I just posted a bunch from two games played against the Cleveland Indians — the return of Trot Nixon! — May 29-30. I went to the game on the 4th with Noelle — Ed‘s loss was my gain! — and got a lot of great new photos from the seats behind the plate, so I figured I had to get these out there first.
Unlike the last two sets, I didn’t edit these at all and I barely commented them. I figured they were good enough as is for now, although I... Continue reading »
Thirty-three more
As promised in Ketchup, I added 33 more photos to my photostream from the Braves and Sox game on 05.20.2007 in honor of Jason Varitek’s bases clearing triple (which I caught in one of the photos).
Okay, not really… it just worked out to be 33, but that’s still cool. I made a new photo set for the game and added the other three I posted previously to it. I already wrote up a short Aside about the game when I posted those photos, but you can read the photo set description too if you want even more info!
So, how about you put your browser into full screen mode now by hitting your F11 key. Then open the kick ass flickr slideshow for this set (be sure... Continue reading »
So, I just wanted to post a little quick hit about not much of anything. Feel free to read anything about nothing.
Let me start with last weekend’s Sox and Yankees series at Fenway… our Sox dropped two of three to the Limping Empire. In case you missed it, that means they have dropped four of the last six, even before Roger rockets in to save their season. True enough, the Bombers — hey… Bombers and a Rocket… never mind — were still twelve and a half out at the end of that, but it has to have boosted their morale, yeah? The good news is we are still up on them seven to five for the season and we won’t meet again until August. Tough for them to make up ground on us if we aren’t playing against one another (and we don’t tank).
Anyway, dropping the first two to a decent Oaktown team — Haren? Yes. DiNardo? Really? — doesn’t have me brimming with confidence. I guess it is just losing the last three in a row is tough to take. Wonder if they’ve done that this year (I’m not checking)?
Speaking... Continue reading »
Three new
I posted three new photos from the Braves and Sox game. These were taken from the upper box, about 6-8 rows up, on the first base line. Please go check them out and look at the large versions (I even linked them in photo descriptions).
If you like them, please leave me a comment here or there. I feel like no one looks at the photos, even with the cool new flickr slide show in the house. I know I haven’t posted many lately, but it is not worth the time it takes to post to flickr (with titles and descriptions) if you aren’t checking them out.
Anyway, give me some feedback!!! Good or bad, it doesn’t matter, as long as it is constructive. Is it that I post too many in a set? Should I trim out some fat? Believe me, I try, but I like that some can help tell the story, so sometimes you get a string. 🙂
Wed :: 08 :: Aug :: 2007 :: 11.57 pm
Commentary, Sports
Barry Bonds, Baseball, Hazel Mae
now closed
Seven five six
Err… make that seven.
So, the mushroom head did it last night. He’s now King Koopa and has already hit another in his first AB tonight.
I’d congratulate him if I didn’t think he has cheated along the way. See my previous post about that, but at least it is finally over. No more interruptions on ESPN or showing every meaningless Giants game on ESPN 2 every night. I guess I felt the need to comment because I posted that last bit. I didn’t catch it live, but rather cut over to ESPN when Hazel Mae interrupted D.O. and the Remdawg during another loss to the Halos. At least he showed some class in thanking other people and genuine emotion for his Dad. He’s still got some good in him.
But, the man with real class, Hank Aaron, finally broke his silence on the subject and came out and congratulated Barry. Man, was that more awkward than Selig’s act? I gotta think so, but you know, it was a good way for the man holding the real record to remind everyone of just that, so I’ll congratulate The Hammer instead of The Mushroom.
When... Continue reading »