This is a list of posts tagged with Baseball.
Sox flickr photos
I finally put up some photos from the first Sox game I went to this year. I had a major time waste in doing this due to issues with the flickr uploadr and my Canon editing software. I’m right p!ssed.
Anyway, calm me down by taking a few minutes to check them out. They really suck.
Seriously. They suck compared to the ones that I took last weekend at the Braves game. Convince me to waste more time and share them.
BTW – You’d do well to look at a lot of the *distant* ones in a larger size.
UPDATED: Check out flickr’s awesome improved slideshow with this set. Use your F11 key to switch your browser to full screen mode (and back) before you click the link. Oh, and click the “i” in the middle of the photo when you start so you get my titles and descriptions.
Rockets red glare
I wanted to add this aside to my previous post on Clemen$ because this is the kind of stuff I like to read.
Jim Caple has a funny write-up of the speech Roger must have given to his mates on Page 2. It includes this great outtake:
“You shall fight in Boston and you shall fight in Baltimore. You shall fight special education teachers in the bullpen, you shall fight in front of the dugout with that punk Pedro Martinez. You shall fight in Florida, you shall fight in Canada and other foreign countries like Cleveland.”
Then you have Sports Guy Bill Simmons weighing in, as you knew he would, with a good list of 10 reasons I’m happy the Rocket signed with the Yankees. Jason already added #7 as his comment on my post, which was a good one of course, but I like the reader e-mail in #10 by John F. in Kansas: “This is historic … who ever heard of a rat jumping ON a sinking ship?”
Four jacks
Juice sent a link out via e-mail tonight and I figured I’d post it — you need to read the full post to get the link — for the two of you probably not on his e-mail list. It is the new SportsCenter clip of David Ortiz and Jorge Posada. If it isn’t the first video in the player/list, look for it. It is entitled “Betrayal.” Wally’s reaction is priceless.
I almost wish I didn’t see this, because while funny and clever, it is a little disturbing. I mean, the thought that Papi thought it was okay to ever put on a Yankee cap, whether for fun or not, isn’t sitting well with me. Good thing for us he’ll never wear one where it counts.
Anyone else see the irony of a DH giving hat advice to a catcher? He’s the only other guy not wearing a hat full-time since he never sees the field (outside an interleague game).
For a little payback, I’d like to see Jason Giambi trying to give Jason Varitek advice on hats…... Continue reading »
Sox tix raffle
Registration is open for the annual raffle process for the opportunity to purchase Monstah, Right Field Roof, Opening Day and Yankee tickets. There’s some question as to whether the registration closes on Monday or Tuesday depending on if the e-mail I got or the reg page is the correct information.
If you win, remember who told you…
Yankees Choke… Again
I think it is about time we finally retire the “Yankees Suck” chant in favor of a “Yankees Choke” chant. While losing their ALDS series to the Tigers in four isn’t nearly the cataclysmic choke that was their 2004 ALCS loss to the Sox, it is pretty pathetic for a $200 million plus payroll team chock full of All-Stars, especially since the Yankees owned them in the regular season (5-2).
Does anyone want A-Rod? This guy might as well just play it out for a perennial basement dweller like the Rays, Royals or Pirates. At least he could switch back to playing shortstop. The shame of this is that Torre will most likely lose his job and that is undeserved. I don’t think it is his fault a clubhouse of millionaire All-Star babies can’t get the job done. It is the fault of ownership for pushing that the team be made up that way.
Georgie Porgie still doesn’t get it; you can’t buy a frickin championship…
Kennedy Costume Races
Over on ESPN’s Page 2, Jim Caple says we need more costume races in MLB and he has ideas for everyone.
For the hometown team:
Boston. Kennedy Races. “JFK, RFK and Jackie O are neck and neck, but oh, no — it looks like Teddy took another wrong turn at the bridge.”
If there was any doubt…
…it should be long gone now. The Sox are still in Oakland, but the three most lethal bats — Oritiz, Manny and Wily Mo — are all in Boston. Wells is being shopped to the N.L. Nixon, Gonzo and Tek are going to start rehabs, but don’t get your hopes up with that.
Stick a spork in them. They are done.
Thank you sir, may I have another?
A classic line from Animal House, which has nothing to do with the sport of Cricket, but there I am swinging a giant paddle-looking-thing and I couldn’t resist.
In reality, that’s me swinging a Cricket bat. In the full post you can click the photo to see a larger version on Flickr.
I had just missed of course. As a striker, I never made contact and made an out when the bowler struck the wickets before six balls made an over. How’s that for some interesting words?
Hopefully that is an accurate description, but if you want to know what some of those terms mean, then by all means check out this explanation of cricket I found via Google. I suppose I could try and ... Continue reading »
Towel. Thrown.
As blog is my witness, the towel has now officially been thrown.
You may remember that Ed and I were to go to the game last night (Sunday) and so we did. We arrived to the Fenway area about 2 1/2 hours before gametime so that we might get a bite to eat and enjoy a few brews at Boston BeerWorks. Well, the line for the place was insane, so we headed over to Game On. This worked out pretty well as we walked right in and the wait for a table was only an hour. Probably the same wait at BBW, but it would have taken us a good 20-30 minutes to get in the door. Thus, I suffered thru drinking Corona instead of Haymarket Hef.
Fast forward... Continue reading »
Wed :: 09 :: May :: 2007 :: 02.26 am
Commentary, Sports
Baseball, Beer, Red Sox, Roger Clemens, Spider-Man, Tampa Bay Rays, Yankees
5 times
Can you hear it now?
I had been formulating a post in my brain since the minute I heard the news of Roger Clemens going back to the Yankees, but I didn’t have time to pump it out.
Then, Ed beat me to the punch last night, so I was content to simply post a comment there. But, as I started writing, I realized there was no way I could express this as a comment, so I had to bang out this. I had to add a post to the Clemens fire in the Blogosphere.
I was listening to the Sox game on Sunday afternoon when Castiglione, or that new clown — not Dave O’Brien, the other guy — announced the Rocket made an appearance on the Yankee Stadium jumbotron. Ed and I had just taken in Spider-Man 3 and were headed back to his house for some beer and burgers, so when we stopped at a packy to pick up the beer we had a quick chat as we peeped our choice of brew.
We were traveling separately, so when I got out, the... Continue reading »