This is a list of posts tagged with Baseball.
Gammons at Fenway
Leave it to a Sox/Spanks series to bring Peter Gammons back into the baseball fold. This tidbit of information comes courtesy of sports blogger Eric Wilbur who is looking correct in his previous statement that he’s thrown in the towel. It’s too bad that Gammons’ presence couldn’t bring his preseason A.L. Cy Young pick Josh Beckett better luck on the mound today. Personally, it has less to do with luck than his lack of a quality third pitch, but that’s just me.
Anyway, good to hear Peter is back at the park. UPDATE: Here’s a better AP article on
Curse of the Grackle?
I happened to click on an Eric Wilbur blog link on today. It would seem the resident sports blogger — is it me or is he a ringer for Andy Richter — has thrown in the towel on the Sox making the playoffs. Well, I’ll admit I was having such thoughts after we were swept by the Royals, I chose to delay my judgement until after the five game series with the Spankees this weekend.
Yes, Wily Mo Pena took his eye of the ball to sneak a peek at the runner and missed the catch. At first I thought if he made the catch, he had a chance to throw the man out, but the replay showed the angle, etc. and it would seem unlikely to get the speedy Carlos Guillen. It would have had to be a perfect throw and I don’t think that happens, so the run would have scored anyway and he... Continue reading »
Black Floyd
Well, that takes care of that I guess. Floyd Landis’ “B” sample was found to have the same synthetic testosterone as his “A” sample. It’s a real shame that this has happened, especially since before this year’s Tour started a lot of the favorites were pulled due to a doping scandal.
I understand the doping we see in MLB and other professional sports where there is a lot of money on the line, but in professional cycling, are we really talking that much money? I don’t get it.
Now we’ll just wait to see if Floyd is stripped of his win, which he certainly should be.
Snap Grackle Pop
You know, I was pretty sure that fruitcake Dr. Charles was responsible for the music at Fenway, but this article on confirmed it for me. I did comment to Joe that they should have played “The Bird is the Word,” but I didn’t know The Rivingtons by name.
Gordon Edes couldn’t find out what happened to the little guy. I’m sure he’s trying to be funny with his David Wells comment, but I am not amused. However, Jeff Horrigan over at the Boston Herald came thru with news on his f... Continue reading »
Black Bird Steals Second
This just in: Jason Johnson still sucks.
So I attended tonight’s Sox game vs. the Tribe and the Sox dropped it 6-3 in the very sweltering heat. They couldn’t do much of anything against CC Sabathia who was throwing 98 mph heat himself and only gave up a Mark Lorretta homer off the Fisk foul pole in left. Not until the ninth did the Sox tack on two more runs with an Alex Gonzalez bomb into the Monstah Seats… or, maybe it was over them, but at that point it didn’t much matter unless we could make it to Papi, which they didn’t.
You may remember I posted about David Ortiz here and here back in June. Well, Big Papi has done it again with two walk-off hits, including a 3-run bomb last night, in his past three games prior to tonight. You think Indians manager Eric Wedge second guessed his decision to pitch to Ortiz? I’m... Continue reading »
This Week in OB1og
Yeah, it’s been a little over a week since my last post and I apologize, but it is not like there has been any public outcry/outrage over it. I don’t even have a good excuse except that maybe I didn’t feel like sitting in front of the computer after getting home from work all week. Instead, I watched the Sox sweep the Mets, which is something I haven’t done much of this year. Well, no one had watched them sweep the Mets yet; I mean watch the Sox on TV. I think the Orsillo Cam is brand new and, quite frankly, it frightens me.
So, the idea of this post is to catch up on this week’s activity, much like This Week in Basball does and a bit like Ed just did over on The Ed Zone.
I guess I’ll start with last Saturday because I can’t remember further back than that and it’s also the... Continue reading »
Perfect (short-term) Fit
It’s a rare thing, but I am going to disagree with The Sports Guy on this one… even if I like the “baby-faced assassin” line.
While Jon Papelbon has been lights out this year, he needs to be in the rotation next year. How does the law firm of Schilling, Beckett, Wakefield, Papelbon and Lester sound for 2007?
At least get him there at the start and see what Craig Hansen does. Simmons will change his mind when the LA crack wears off…
Angels v Devils
I was just reading busblog and Tony pointed out that on 06.06.06 the Anaheim Angels played the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Wait, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim played the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
Yeah, so was it coincidence that the Angels played the Devils on 666? The Angels won 12-2, so I guess we know who’ll win when Armageddon slash The Apocalypse slash whatever you want to call it should it actually happen, right?
Mr. Clutch, Manny and The Kid
I pretty much spent the weekend at or around Fenway Park. I had tickets to both games of Saturday’s day-night doubleheader against the Texas Rangers. Of course, Mother Nature had other plans for me, because so far this Spring she has Boston confused for the Pacific Northwest.
Mother wanted me to spend half my day at Boston Beer Works getting reaquainted with their excellent Haymarket Hefeweizen and menu. I guess this was fine for me, but it threw other people’s plans into a blender. I had Ed lined up for the night game and Noelle was gracious enough to go to the day game after Joe and Jay couldn’t do it. Thanks to Noelle and her beer choice, I noticed for the first time that BBW’s excellent blueberry beer is actually named Bunker Hill Bluebeery Ale. I have probably been going there for around eight years now and I just noticed that. There’s fun in the minutae of a day I guess.
Anyway, the day game was to start at ... Continue reading »
Sun :: 30 :: Jul :: 2006 :: 08.16 pm
Commentary, Sports, Television
Baseball, Bill Simmons, Harold Reynolds, John Kruk, Peter Gammons
3 times
Reynolds Tossed
I was pretty bummed out to hear that Harold Reynolds was fired by ESPN earlier in the week. Besides Peter Gammons, Harold was my favorite part of watching Baseball Tonight. When they had Karl Ravech, Bobby Valentine (or Buck Showalter), Harold and Peter on all at the same time, it was must-watch because they had a great dynamic.
The show hasn’t quite been the same since Buck or Bobby got back to managing and we now have to deal with John Kruk. Peter had already been increasingly absent and this year was doing the Sunday game of the week before his aneurysm, so I had already been missing the show more often than not. The guys they have been bringing in have, well… let’s just say are very boring and suck.
Anyway, I obviously thought Harold brought a lot to the table and I’m pretty sure I’ll watch even less than I already was now that he is gone too. Reporting on the exact cause has been spotty at best, but according to Harold himself, it was for ... Continue reading »