This is a list of posts tagged with Baseball.
More Manny Being Manny
So I went to the Sox game again last night and they unfortunately lost to the Spankees despite another poor start by Randy Johnson. A highlight for the Sox was Manny continuing his hot streak by swatting two homers to make 4 in 3 games against the Yankees.
Hopefully this has quieted his critics who, prior to the series, were complaining that he has been unproductive despite being second in the league in walks and having a higher average at this time than last year when he also had a slow start. However, everyone wants to point at his higher strikeout rate and lack of home runs and RBI. Of course, as I write this, he’s 0-3 with a BB against Tampa…
Truth be told, he’s off to a great start this year as far as I am concerned. He’s been playing a great left-field and running out of the box. Okay, so there was one night I remember he had a bad baserunning blunder and yes, last night he ran thru a stop sign... Continue reading »
Thread da Windmill
That would be the name of my Fantasy Golf team. Yes… that’s correct, fantasy golf. “Team†is a bit of a misnomer as there’s really no team at all, but I don’t know what else to call it. Oh wait, yes I do… “Fantasy Golf waste-of-fifty-dollars.†Yeah, that sums it up nicely.
You may ask, “Why the hell would you play fantasy golf?†Well, I am finding myself asking that very question weekly. Every Tuesday I am e-mailed by Yahoo to set my *line-up* for the start of each tournament on Thursday. Well, since the fourth week of the *season* I have dreaded the roughly 5 minutes I have to spend doing so. I was kicking ass for the first two weeks and then fell to Earth in week 3 and have not recovered since. In fact, the only fun I have really had with this was picking my name, which is a tribute to my mini-golfing past.
Traditionally, fantasy baseball and football have been excellent and enjoyable wastes of money for me. I’ve... Continue reading »
Wild Thing
I haven’t watched many Sox games on TV yet this year, so this is kind of a surprise to me, but it seems Papelbon has *won* a bet with Youk. I wonder what Youk had to do as the loser…
UPDATE: More about that bet here.
Assholes in the Outfield
Apologies for the colorful title, but in this particular instance it is warranted. I went to my first Sox game of the year yesterday to see them shutout by the Seattle Mariners. While the game result wasn’t in our favor, the game was a good one and it was an amazing day at Fenway.
Wakefield settled down to pitch a complete game, but the Sox lineup squandered a lot of opportunities to score. As for the weather, it was more like a June day at the park than a mid-April day. Usually at this time of year, day or night game, there’s a pretty good chill to the air, but there I was wearing shorts and my Manny jersey in the mostly sun-drenched bleachers and worried because I didn’t put sunblock on my arms.
This year’s changes to the park look great and fit in with the others done over the last five years so that they seem like they’ve always been like that. In fact, in addition... Continue reading »
Arroyo: 2/4, 2HR, 1K, 1BB
Pena: 2/5, 1HR, 3K, 1BB
That’s in the two games they have each started. Oh, and Arroyo is 2-0, has K’d 11 and a 1.98 ERA too.
That is the second HR Pena has allowed to bounce off his person/glove in Fenway’s RF. Remember his visit as a Red last year?
Arroyo has more bombs than Manny and Pena combined, but we’ll be calling Pena by the name *Little* Papi soon.
Still a Wily Mo fan and not a Bronson fan. I’m just saying…
Manny Being Manny
As most of you know, I am a Manny fan. Someone decided our aloof left fielder would be a great subject for a children’s book.
When you have to go potty, just go inside the…
Mon :: 22 :: May :: 2006 :: 11.59 pm
Commentary, Sports
Baseball, Curt Schilling, Fenway Park, Manny Ramirez, Red Sox, Red v Blue, Yankees
9 times
Asshats in the Outfield
I am bummed out to have to write a sequel to this post, but the asshats have demanded it. Yes, I attended my second Sox game of the year tonight and it was against the hated Yankees. Schilling took the hill against Chien-Ming Wang. Do you see where this is going?
Okay, so yes, it is a Yankee game and folks are more liquored up and passionate than for a Seattle Mariners game, but come on! Okay, I can’t help it… that just set up for a joke about an activity being suggested at that Mariners game. I swear, it just happened!
Anyway, we know everyone hates the Yankees, right? How does the chant go? Yankees Stink… no, that’s not quite it… So, yes, most folks are rev’d up for some extra razzing. Sure, tell Bernie Williams he’s old and his guitar playing stinks because he can’t hear it anymore... Continue reading »