Best of
This is a list of posts tagged with Best of.
Year in consumables: 2008 movies
I am still ahead of the curve from last year, so I don’t feel too badly about delaying this post a couple weeks from when I thought I’d get it out. It was my intention to watch a handful more movies released in 2008 to see if they’d make my top five for the year. I watched them, but they won’t make the list.
Also, I realized that I should do this list like I do the others, movies that I consumed during that year and not necessarily released. I’m still not sure about that as a criteria or not because as I Netflix stuff it can be pretty old — if you count 2-3 years ago as old — and may seem out of place. That said, I am going to start doing something like Ed’s Netflix Notes starting this year. That can cover anything I don’t... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2007 games
Time to finish this series off for 2007. The first two parts were music and movies. Also, I just read my 2006 games post and damned if I wasn’t entertained by it. Maybe you should read it (again?)… for added incentive, I make fun of Mookie a little bit.
Speaking of which, I heard via Ed that his 360 finally red-ringed him. (Did we have a pool somewhere about this?) Well, I’m actually sorry to hear that. I thought it was going to beat the odds, but it might have finally succumbed... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2007 movies
Even though I made a great headstart on this series for 2007 (see music post), I fell off the pace and I am now behind my awful showing last year. So, I figured on this dreary, rainy Saturday night, I would blast this one out and then… go watch a movie.
So, unlike last year, I watched a good amount of Netflix movies too. (Just prior to last year’s post I was inspired to reactivate my long dormant membership.) Now, I have a tough decision to make… do I include those here? Obviously I am going to speak to the movies released in the theaters during the year, but what about those I missed there and caught on Netflix instead? I think I will include those, but of course, only those I have seen so far. I won’t come back here and update as I do so.
Wait… this is supposed to be a top 5 list… argh. Well, here’s... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2007 music
Yeah, I know I said I was going to name this post “Year wax,” but a funny thing happened with that; I realized I came up with a regulah name for this stuff last year. I was searching for the one I remembered writing about music and there it was. Funny what happens when you search your own archives.
Anyway, I decided to keep with the naming convention, just because I like the way it ties things together. I did consider going with a convention based off “Year (something),” which would allow me to use “Year wax,” but I couldn’t figure anything good for gaming and movies. Best I had was “Year smax” and “Year flix” respectively, and those are, well… lame.
On with the scheduled programming…
Lemme see here… this past year, I purchased (!) 56 discs and an unknown... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2006 games
Promises, promises…
You know, I said I’d have this posted by March first, but things got out of hand at work this week due to Daylight Savings Time. You know about that, right? Well, work got in the way of proper sleep, television viewing — ‘cept Lost and Heroes — and blogging.
So, I won’t bore you with the details of that, but instead bore you with the third and final installment of my 2006 Year in Consumables series. You can read the music and movie posts in the archives.
By my count, I have rocked se7en games on the 360 this year. Okay, it was really ten, but demos of Contra and the... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2006 movies
Continuing my late entry into the traditional year-end slash year-in-review lists, I present my list of flicks for 2006.
If you are interested in my list of music, then click that link and I promise my list of games will be out later this week. If I don’t have it done by the end of February, then why bother?
Whether it be in the theater or on DVD, I hardly took in any movies this past year. To that end, I actually reopened my Netflix account two weeks ago, but that doesn’t help this list. I think I am going to start logging movies I have flixed as such on the blog because it might be interesting to track how many I actually take in over the course of a year… well, interesting to me anyway.
I’m going to give you a top five, but that’s not saying much since I probably only... Continue reading »