This is a list of posts tagged with Bromance.
Two new words
I was reading up on comments over at The Ed Zone today and I was reminded of a post I had been meaning to post. You see, I think I have two new words to offer the lexicon, but you tell me. They aren’t quite on the level of a ginormous, but who can aim that big, right?
The first, which reminded me of this idea, stemmed from “bromance.” Now, the Urban Dictionary has all manner of definitions for the word, so going with the first in the list for brevity:
Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males.
I first caught wind of the term this summer, or late spring, when I read/heard that MTV was in town casting for Brody Jenner’s new show on MTV of the same name. I guess since Spencer broke up with him, he’s on the market for a new bro, or at least that’s w... Continue reading »