Call of Duty
This is a list of posts tagged with Call of Duty.
Year in consumables: 2009 games
Here, finally, is the first post in my year-end wrap-up series that I call Year in Consumables. People like making lists and reading lists, particularly if you are a little OCD. Which I am.
I just pulled up my first post in the series from last year and it happened to be the Games one as well, so let’s just stick with the same order from last year: Games, Movies, Music. That might be a little OCD too.
I am going to have to break somewhat from history in that I am only going to rank five games this year. Mostly because I didn’t really play much. Well, much depending on your point of view. I do find it funny that on last years post I mention having not yet played Fallout 3 or Tomb Raider: Underworld. I still haven’t. I still plan on it. Really.
I will not break on the premise that this list is comprised of what I played the past year. Not that it... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2007 games
Time to finish this series off for 2007. The first two parts were music and movies. Also, I just read my 2006 games post and damned if I wasn’t entertained by it. Maybe you should read it (again?)… for added incentive, I make fun of Mookie a little bit.
Speaking of which, I heard via Ed that his 360 finally red-ringed him. (Did we have a pool somewhere about this?) Well, I’m actually sorry to hear that. I thought it was going to beat the odds, but it might have finally succumbed... Continue reading »
It is only fitting that I finally write this post the week of the expected decimation of the New York J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets! Oh yeah… you know that’s going to happen (short of Tom Brady getting hit by the short bus).
So, the name of this post is Lensgate and I’m guessing you might wonder why. (Hey Ed, at least I procrastinated so long it is now “topical” again.) It does have something to do with the first Pat’s game against the Jets, but that was Videogate or Spygate or whatevergate. I actually hate that we name every conspiracy since Watergate — Contragate being the first I can remember — with a “gate” at the end. I just think it is media silliness… which is an oxymoron. Continuing on… naming this with a “gate” on the end of the title lends itself well to the preposterousness that is this story… and I am getting there, believe me.
So, I attended the Pat’s home opener against the San Diego Chargers. Of course, this was the game after the Jets game and everyone was excited... Continue reading »
Red ringed
Well, it finally got me. I am now a victim of the so-called Red Ring of Death.
Of course, this has already happened to both Ed and Jason, so it is not exactly new, just new to me. Kind of funny that it would happen just after I posted about going over 10k with my gamerscore and so did my Xbox. Of course, one wonders how it continues to post blog entries.
Perhaps it is when I can get it to run for a about a minute before it freezes. You see, after getting the ring, it hasn’t happened again, but it will freeze almost exactly a minute after booting up. I have tried the suggestions on support page for both issues with no joy. I am going to have to finally contact Microsoft about this as my hopes that... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2006 games
Promises, promises…
You know, I said I’d have this posted by March first, but things got out of hand at work this week due to Daylight Savings Time. You know about that, right? Well, work got in the way of proper sleep, television viewing — ‘cept Lost and Heroes — and blogging.
So, I won’t bore you with the details of that, but instead bore you with the third and final installment of my 2006 Year in Consumables series. You can read the music and movie posts in the archives.
By my count, I have rocked se7en games on the 360 this year. Okay, it was really ten, but demos of Contra and the... Continue reading »
Tellyman 10.2
It was a rough week for television viewing for me. While I was able to watch everything, it was only thanks to Media Center dutifully fulfilling its, err… duties. I had to work late pretty much every night this week, so I was playing catch up all week and now that I am caught up, I can bore you with my thoughts.
This week’s How I Met Your Mother was weak, until the end. The end made it worth it because you thought for the entire episode that Ted Moesby, Architect was dogging Robin after their first fight. Barney started off the episode by telling Ted that he should advertise the fact that he is an architect since chicks think it is hot. Ted tests it out by chatting up a girl at the bar and Barney is actually right. The episode then follows Ted, Marshall and this girl for the rest of the night with Robin and Lily hot on their trail.
Come to find out at the end that it was Barne... Continue reading »
Tellyman 10.1
At the start of this, it wasn’t necessarily my intention to do this as an ongoing series under the heading of “Tellyman,” but it would seem to have stuck. I was going to change up titles on a post-by-post basis, but since Ed also came up with “Tele Mundo,” and I got nothing else, I’m going to stick with “Tellyman.” I’ll adjust to use my month-dot-week nomenclature like “Fanboy Fodder” since during repeats, I may not post. I do find it odd that we both thought up the same name though. Spooky…
Week three of the new television season is complete and three shows made their way into my schedule. Kidnapped made its exit due to cancellation, or at least the news that it would not continue past its original 13 episode order. I wasn... Continue reading »
Falling Away With You
Wouldn’t you say it is rather ironic that while I was writing my Summer wrap-ups last week it was feeling like Autumn and as I write my Autumn preview this week it has felt like Summer? I guess that’s how we roll here in New England.
Has the wacky weather been a contributing factor in the huge downturn in readers over the past few weeks here at OB1og as well? Certainly can’t be because I haven’t been posting like Ed or Jason. Of course, Ed isn’t posting for a good reason and then there is Jason not posting for a secret... Continue reading »
Tomb Raider: Legend
Hopefully this is going to be a short review that I can just bang out real quick before hitting the sack. It should be short because the game itself was short. I used to hate short games, but I really enjoyed this one, so I wish it were longer.
I have played most of the Tomb Raider slash Lara Croft games. This one is the latest in the series and has a seriously long title: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend. I’ll just go with TRL for short since that’s just fun in itself. We love Carson and how his good Karma inspired Earl, which in turn entertained me for a television season (and so far, Summer with re-runs).
I gotta say right off the bat that this is without a doubt the best TR game I have played. I really enjoyed the first two, but this one was just great. I suppose a lot of that has to do with the evolution of the game and character. The next-gen graphics really helped this game excel in tha... Continue reading »