Charlie Brown
This is a list of posts tagged with Charlie Brown.
My Charlie Brown Christmas
Third year running and now updated to show from the YouTubes; supreme clogger of the internet tubes.
My Charlie Brown Christmas
I realize that most no one reads this blog anymore, and if you are reading at all, then you are probably out rushing around to finish up your last minute shopping, etc. Well, should you have ended up here because you needed a break, then I implore you to watch the video below. It will make me happy.
Yes, in the spirit of regifting, I am reposting this from last year, which I reposted from Joe (via the now defunct Scooby Speak).
Yule blog
Well, tis the season and all that, right?
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday, whether that be Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or Festivus.
I had bigger plans for my Yule Blog, but the frenetic pace of the past week — yes, even with having it off from work — got the better of me. It sapped my will to sit here and blog up something special; to “Deck the Halls” if you will.
I did have a head start by posting some old photo sets from Nantucket Christmas Strolls past, so if you are interested, they are from 2001 and 2002.
PS: If you haven’t checked out Continue reading »
My Charlie Brown Christmas
I know that pretty much everyone reads Scooby Speak, right?
Well, in case you don’t, I don’t want you to miss out on this gem that Joe found and posted over there.
Tellyman 10.2
It was a rough week for television viewing for me. While I was able to watch everything, it was only thanks to Media Center dutifully fulfilling its, err… duties. I had to work late pretty much every night this week, so I was playing catch up all week and now that I am caught up, I can bore you with my thoughts.
This week’s How I Met Your Mother was weak, until the end. The end made it worth it because you thought for the entire episode that Ted Moesby, Architect was dogging Robin after their first fight. Barney started off the episode by telling Ted that he should advertise the fact that he is an architect since chicks think it is hot. Ted tests it out by chatting up a girl at the bar and Barney is actually right. The episode then follows Ted, Marshall and this girl for the rest of the night with Robin and Lily hot on their trail.
Come to find out at the end that it was Barne... Continue reading »