Eli Stone
This is a list of posts tagged with Eli Stone.
Telefizzled out
If I were ambitious enough to dive into the archives, I would look and see what the point was in writing these posts for 34+ weeks. I think it was to show attrition in my scheduled viewing, so we’ll go with that and there was definitely some of that, but not as much as I’d hoped for. You see, I know I don’t watch too much telly, but I watch more than I’d like. Anyway, I am thankful for the break this Summer will afford, although Burn Notice starts back up next week.
So, before I try to remember what has come and gone, let me finish off with thoughts on three last episodes I caught this week and last:
How I Met Your Mother: This one finished up last week. It would seem CBS wanted to go longer than everyone else as a lot of their shows did the same. Anyway, no mother and no yellow umbrella, but it does close out with Ted taking the teaching gig and revealing that the mother is in his class, so I guess we are getting some teacher or student macking for this ... Continue reading »
(My) Telefizzled w.15
A couple notes to start this off. First, I am losing track of week counts and how I was really trying to track that number. I thought from start of season, but not sure anymore, so I just skipped ahead another week because this one covers two weeks like the last one did. My feeling is there is a week in there somewhere that nothing was on, but really, who cares, right?
Second, I tweaked the title for this one because this week marked the return of my favorite show on these days. Of course, that show is Scrubs and you knew that because you know that almost every episode title starts with “My” since JD is your narrator. Fun trivia, there are seven episodes not starting with “My,” but instead with “His” (4), “Her” (2) and “Their” (1). Okay, I am kinda a Scrubs nerd and if didn’t already know, I have a man-crush on Zach Braff.
This week seemingly starts television’s second season. We are starting to see mid-season replacements and/or starts of shows like Scrubs, 24 (anyone still watching that?) and Lost (nex... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.13
Lucky week 13, which was like two weeks ago, but that Festivus holiday had its way with my time. This post includes weeks 12 and 13 since 13 only had my Monday and Tuesday shows at the start of the week.
Chuck (w.12): Sarah’s confidence man daddy shows up played by none other than Gary Cole. No TPS reports. Anyway, the team somehow pulls off a con on some sheik/prince and then goes to heck and then the team decides to save daddy from going to the klink even though he double crossed everyone. Something about a DeLorean and the General Lee too, but kinda just Morgan related noise.
Chuck (w.13): Best guest appearance ever! Sergeant Al Powell is back on the job Christmas Eve at a hostage situation in the Burbank BuyMore. Twinkies still in hand. Turns out Big Al is Big Mike’s cousin. Oh, and Sarah basically executes a Fulcrum agent to protect Chuck, but he doesn’t know why she does this and it just leaves you hanging with something until the series starts back up in January. Of course they used the time previous in the episode to draw the two back together som... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.11
Again with the thoughts of abandoning this series, but I am reenergized a little tiny bit with the recent commercials for Lost and Scrubs, so something to look forward to, yeah? That said, and because it has been a while, I am going to be quick with this week’s because I don’t entirely remember everything about the shows I watched last week.
Chuck: Found this entertaining as usual and the guest appearance by Carl Lumbly (Dixon on Alias) as Casey’s sensei-gone-wild… err, rogue, was cool. Looked like he was having fun with the part and he’s the second Alias alum to make an appearance here; Kevin Weisman (Marshall) as a former eastern bloc gymnast spy being the other. Awesome’s parents finally make an appearance and despite both being a hundred years old, Bruce Boxleitner and Morgan Fairchild still look good with no help at all (I’m sure).
Big Bang: Um… drawing a blank on this one. Oh… repeat!
HIMYM: Ditto
Eli Stone: Like it matters, but we find out the acupuncturist dude made a copy of Eli’s dad&... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.10
What happened to week 9? Did you even notice? This here is a two-for-one. Actually, it is probably more like a one-and-a-half-for-one. It would seem that after viewing three shows last night, I am already done for this week, so let’s get it over with!
Chuck (w.9): What’s better than Kate Austen crawling thru HVAC ducts? Sarah Walker crawling thru HVAC ducts. Well, it was what I thought of as it happened. Anyway, this one features the ex getting jealous of Chuck and Sarah. Oh and then kidnapped and rescued. But then she steals Chuck away for a weekend and Casey and Sarah find out she’s an evil spy. And let me continue this on to last night’s episode where…
Chuck (w.10): …they make her not evil, but then evil, but not evil, but then evil again. I’m not sure if she does or does not dig on Chuck now. Whatever, she was captured by Chuck in the end, her guest stint is done and I will surely miss the hot brunette in glasses thing that I seem to dig on. I may take Ed’s advice and sit thru The Faculty for the heckuvit. Maybe it ca... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.8
With the new-this-year shows having already fizzled out, I contemplated discontinuing this series, but today I thought better of it. I figure it keeps me putting up at least something, but also because I suspect the shows that are left on my slate are going to continue the trend and fizzle out too. Therefore, I aim to continue this series in order to track this.
That said, if you do watch any of these shows, it would be nice to hear from you more often. I refuse to believe I am the only one watching The Hills. If I should stop writing these, you’ll let me know, right? (Unless you like laughing at me behind my back, which is fine too.) I mean, I know a good lot of you watch The Office and Joe at least used to watch Smallville, but usually this is The Ed Zone Part Deux in the comments. Not a bad thing as he brings the level of writing, and certainly humor, around here up a notch. Apparently I’m not funny enough in some of these for you to say so. Maybe I don’t leave enough room for clear shots at my self-dep... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.6
There is no life on Mars. I didn’t watch it this week and I don’t think I will get around to it. I think this is going to be one of those shows I will watch if it is on and I am too lazy to turn it off. You know you do the same thing sometimes.
Speaking of lazy, I didn’t get a regular post up this week. Will try for two next week, but that might be unrealizable. Anyway, all that with three less shows to watch. Mars because I don’t seem to want to and Big Bang and HIMYM since they were repeats from last year.
Chuck: Missile Command as the mechanism to control a satellite to launch missiles. Awesome. Chuck becomes a hero when he beats the snot out of the game while it spins around on stage, which was just stupid. The creepy guy… I forget his name, was the all-time king, but he passed out or something and Chuck plays and saves the world. The creepy guy is even more creepy now after seeing his drinking pants and stalker video. You don’t care.
My Own Worst Enemy: Tomorrow night, they’ll kill him and the show will be over, bu... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.5
(Before I start, are you seeing the blue logo at the top or are you seeing my halloween decorations? Just wondering…)
I am already fizzling out on writing these things. Just kidding. It took me a little extra time to watch one last show from last week, so I had to delay this one a little. It doesn’t matter which one. They were all most teh suck.
There’s a reason I named this series Telefizzled you know…
Chuck: Well, based on what you read, ratings are down for this show and that bums me out. It is a really good show, but NBC and I can’t seem to convince anyone to watch it. If it gets canceled, I am blowing the whole season up until Lost rears its head… and maybe Friday Night Lights. This epsiode was an homage of sorts to Grosse Pointe Blank. We see Sarah as a total nerd in high school and Chuck is giddy to find out some deats about her real life, or so he thinks. Turns out her daddy was a real live confidence man, so whatever name they gave her wasn’t real. I don’t remember if they really sussed it out, but it turns ... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.4
First off, I offer an apology that I didn’t get another post up last week. Work took over for most of the week and I was drunk the rest of it. I am kidding about the work part. I will get two non-telly posts up this week to make up for it. One being about the Sox and the other being about being drunk at work.
This week saw my schedule grow by two new shows, so here we go:
Chuck: Bryce wasn’t very interesting. I mean, they could have done more other than to make Chuck jealous, like, I don’t know, explore more about his past with Chuck and whether or not they are still sorta friends or frenemies. The interesting wrinkle was Sarah pretty much showed she’s fallen for Chuck, which in turn had Bryce convincing Chuck to put her off, which was a painful scene to watch. Do guys like Chuck pull like that? He is cool, but he handled that too easily. I don’t think I could have done it. Anyway, it has come back to what you’d expect, the will-they, won’t-they arrangement that TV loves, except this time the characters actually got a little ta... Continue reading »
Kind of burned out on television a little bit last year. I don’t know if it was the WGA strike, the inconsistent quality in shows I watch or just getting over watching a ton of telly. I suspect, now that I typed that out, it is a little bit of all those things.
So, I guess it comes as no surprise that my schedule this year is pretty light, which is a good thing. I deliberately decided not to glom on to any new hour long shows this year. I am going to try a couple out, but other than that, I am just saying no. I am also going to try out a new 1/2 comedy and re-adopt one that fell to the wayside last year. Finally, I am going to try and write a little bit about shows each week just to judge my interest, and yours, in them. That means comments people!
That said, here’s my fall schedule (new shows in bold):