
This is a list of posts tagged with Flickr.

A Day at Fenway

Left field corner

This past Thursday I took a day off from work–only my third one this year–and took in Fenway Park. It was to celebrate Liberty Mutual’s 100th Anniversary at Fenway during it’s 100th Anniversary. I no longer work for Liberty Mutual but my friend Jay had an extra invite and knew I would love to go. He was right.

Tangent about good skin health and you can see the photos on Flickr or in the slideshow after the break… Continue reading »

Marine week

V-22 Osprey

Marine Week Boston is/was May 3-9 2010 and I checked out the displays on Boston Common May 5th. Mainly wanted to get a good look at the V-22 Osprey. It was sweet. Too bad I didn’t have time to stand in line to walk-thru, but I was on a lunch break. Anyway, those things are boring until you get up to the cockpit anyway. I imagine it had the usual s-load of switches and a lot of multi-function LCD panels. Anyway, maybe next time my friend.

So, if you ever wanted to hold a grenade launcher, man a tank turret or climb into the cockpit of a Cobra gunship, this was the place for you. Sorry you missed it. I didn’t do any of that either. The little kid in me screamed to hold an M4 or that sick grenade launcher, you know, with the rotary magazine. (Sick!) Or, lay down with a Barrett M82 sniper rifle. Continue reading »

Happy blue year

Blue Moon

Well, I started the year with a sunset, so why not end the year with a moonrise. What? Yeah, I guess it kind of works out. (Unlike any of those resolutions.)

I was lucky enough to be driving over the NY border into CT as it was rising, so I stopped to take a few photos. “Lucky” because once I got back to Boston tonight it was overcast and you couldn’t see it at all.

Anyway, the point of this post is more or less just to point out that we are ending this decade with a Blue Moon and not just a Full Moon. I am prescribing this celestial event to have more meaning for us... Continue reading »


Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular

I was able to check out the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular down at the Roger Williams Park Zoo on Sunday. Sure, it was the day after Halloween, but when better to beat the crowds? By all accounts, it must get real crowded prior to the holiday and I encourage you to check it out next year.

That said, I documented the experience for my fellow pumpkin-lovers to enjoy from the warm confines of their home internets. Did I mention it got pretty chilly that night? Just about anything here kicked the crap out of the one I carved this year, but then, I wouldn’t pay to see a bunch of my crappy carvings.

Best viewed in full-screen slide show after the break (i.e. click the link). Continue reading »

Spring tres

Petals in the wind

(Yes, the title spelling is intentional if you aren’t following my cleverness.)

There are actually two sets represented in this post. The third part [one and two] focuses on the walk from BU to the Hatch Shell on the Charles River Esplanade. If you didn’t like the first two sets, then you probably don’t like this first one. Lots of blossoms and some buildings. Bit of wildlife. Most of these are best viewed in full-screen slide show mode (after the break). Continue reading »

Spring deux

Comm Ave blossoms

Here is the second set from a beautiful Spring day walk around the city on Saturday, April 25th. The photos in this set represent the walk down Commonwealth Ave from the Public Garden to Kenmore Square (and a bit beyond). Lots of blossoming trees and little street side flower gardens. Some architecture photos sprinkled in, but mostly flowers again. Continue reading »

Spring one


Here is the first set from a beautiful Spring day walk around the city on Saturday, April 25th. These are timely photos people! Are you excited?

You should be. I am. So open the post and scroll down for the slide show. Ignore all the words! Continue reading »

Color and texture

Blue Hills sunset

Or just a fancy title for some shots of two sunsets — view full post and scroll down for slide shows — taken the first weekend of last November. I happened to have the time to go up to Granite Links both nights to watch and shoot the the sunsets and both were spectacular in their own ways. I also tried to shoot some leaves, but it was a bit too dark for all that and I don’t like the ISO boosted ones that did grab.

The first sunset on Saturday had a lot of different layers and colors as the clouds moved in from the west, but not so many as to totally block the sun down to the horizon. If you like the different colors as they progress or looking at the many different textures in the clouds, then this one is for you. Black, gray, blue, yellow, orange and red. A lot going on here.

The second sunset on the Sunday was... Continue reading »


Fall foliage

…like a loooong time ago at this point.

Yes, I am sharing old photos again and getting that much closer to being caught up. Two more sets after this one, which is of some leaves that I peeped locally — as in mostly my yard or down the street — this past Fall. This is a small set of 27 photos (view the slide show at bottom of this post), so quick to check out if you are a fan of my favorite season of the year (my second being the one we just started).

If you get to the end of the slide show (or set) you’ll have a hint of what to expect next, but much better. (I included here because I got those the same day as some of the leaves.) After that though, I think you will be very impressed. Or not.

I’m... Continue reading »

Opening day

National anthem

Mission accomplished! Photos uploaded in a timely manner. There are a lot of them. Seventy to be exact. Your best bet is to open this post and view the slide show. View it in full screen too. Please check these out. I took them for you.

So, I had to see for myself what the difference was between Opening Day and a regular game. I had the opportunity to grab a single ticket for the game when I was selected for the second chance lottery for Opening Day and Yankee tickets. Only single seats were available and it seemed like all of the Yankee games were obstructed view. I said screw it and opted to go it alone so I could finally experience an opener.

Now, I’ve seen a lot of the same pomp and circumstance before since I have gone to a 4th of July... Continue reading »