Frank Miller
This is a list of posts tagged with Frank Miller.
Three hundred
This is going to be short and sweet because I am so late to the party with it. I have wanted to post on it for a while, ever since seeing it and then reading Jason and Ed’s posts on it, but other things got in the way. I think I’ll be ahead of the curve for the DVD release though, yeah?
I found the premise of writing a graphic novel about this event in history to be quite novel. I mean, how exactly did Frank Miller get about doing this as a project? This is a guy better known to the masses for Sin City, Robocop, Batman (comics) and Tank Girl (heh… well, the original work was better than the flick. Oh where have you gone Lori Petty?). I’m sure I could do some research on the web for this, but I’m a lazy blogger today and like I said, short and sweet.
And, again, being lazy (and potentially dumb to do so), I’m going to go off what I remember as th... Continue reading »
Fanboy Fodder 8.5
It’s a week five write-up, so that usually would mean a light week in terms of number of books out, but that wasn’t the case. What is/was the case is half the books purchased could not be read due to my behindness on Civil War. I’ll get around to catching up, hopefully soon because TV and Xbox 360 games are fast approaching to capture my attention from the waning baseball season.
To be honest, I am actually not all that interested in writing about comics from this past week, but I have to keep up with this, so here’s a half-hearted shot for the six books I did read. I did have a hard time choosing between running the cover for X-Men or All-Star Superman, so I went with both, but Supes at the top since I ran an X-book last week.
All-Star Superman #5 Holy crap Batman! The Superman book has actually taken the lead in the shipping schedule despite debuting at least a month after the Batbo... Continue reading »
Superman Returns
I am having a hard time deciding how I want to write this up, so I’m just going to start writing and see what happens. I have stated before that I don’t care if I spoil things without warning or not in my reviews, but I actually gave it a thought while watching Superman Returns. On one hand, I want to throw out what I thought about everything, but that means spoilers. On the other, I want to preserve the experience for anyone who has not yet seen the film.
Okay, after writing that first, it seems obvious what I have to do… spoil everything, but I’ll at least warn you. Yeah, I think you are down with that and I’ll try to keep the spoilage towards the end so that you aren’t just reading this fluff at the top.
Whoa, wait… speaking of fluff — allow me a quick tangent — I found a number of interesting Superman posters while googling for the ... Continue reading »
News about the Watchmen film adaptation in this week’s Entertainment Weekly:
The on-again, off-again film version of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ classic comic is on again, with director Zack Snyder, who’s got one graphic-novel adaptation — the just-wrapped 300 — under his belt.
I’m sure if they ever get it made, Moore won’t want his name attached. At least I already own the GN, so I can read this one ahead of time.
I should maybe read 300 since it’s yet another Frank Miller GN…